Last night i had this dream. Before going to sleep i asked God and my spirit helpers to tell me if im ever going to be with my crush and this is what i got.
PLZ PLZ PLZ Help me out. I need to unlock the messege. PLZ

I remember entering a church then sitting in the front bench. I don’t remember seen the Father. I was sitting next to my brother, and then next to my brother my crush was sitting. She kept on looking forward like paying very close attention to someone but I don’t remember who was talking. I was too busy looking at her trying not to catch his attention though. Then my brother started playing around with me. He looked younger then he is. He was a little kid. I could feel pure sweetness coming from him. He kept on getting my crush’s attention by asking her to look at me. Well my brother was pretending to lick my arm in a cute way. She would ask my crush to look; she would but would turn away because I think she felt nervous. I was very nervous too because she was looking at me. I liked it but I would tell my brother to stop. Then I suddenly noticed my legs were all hairy. I thought to myself that I forgot to shave. I hide them under the bench. I also noticed that I was wearing a skirt (I don’t ware skirts) and a really tight shirt. Once I stared at her lips and a thought of her boyfriend came to me. I wanted to get out of the church because I felt uncomfortable. Also because I wanted to tell her my feelings but I was afraid that she wouldn’t follow me outside so I stayed. Then suddenly an image came to my mind of a book that illustrated a master and his disciple (a girl). The master and disciple were anime characters that I know. They were getting ready for training. The girl asked the master: “Where is my weapon?” Then the master replied: “You don’t need weapons… The earth has all the weapons you need” Then he put his hands on the ground and with an immense force made a huge rock emerge from the ground. Then made it spin like a top. To me it was a huge spinning top. Everything was illustrated in the book in white and black. Then yellow stars started popping out in the book and then a nice laughing face.