This was a really weird dream I had this morning, it's the first I've remembered really well in a long time and it felt very important. I'll try to explain it best I can but there's quite a lot going on in my life that I feel the dream relates to, hard to cover it all. I'm a single mom almost done with college, I'm divorced, I have a boyfriend who drives me nuts because he's too nice and too passive, I just had to move out of my mom's and back to my son's other grandma's, which is a much nicer place to live. It's great too because out from under my pushy mom's shadow, and her making me feel like I can't do anything myself, I feel like I'm finally trying to take better control of my life. anyway, here is the dream as I wrote it down this morning, if anyone can offer me insight into any part of it I would greatly appreciate it.

I dreampt that Tim(my boyfriend) was throwing up food and the plastic containers of food, and they were ripped with jagged edges. and I said how could you do this you could get cut and he said I know but he had to hide them from his boss.
and I swallowed my keys, only half of them, tried to swallow the rest but then decided maybe it wasn’t a good idea because they might hurt me on the inside like the stuff Tim swallowed. so I was looking for a good place to throw them up, was in a restaurant where they had no private toilets, only public ones, with no stalls and anyone could see. I couldn’t find anywhere to throw up, ended up throwing up partly in a sink or something and a little in a woman’s soup when she wasn’t looking.
me and my son(who's 8) went for a walk somewhere at night, it was a wooded area by a stream with lots of green, and a feeling of a warm summer's night, though kind of eerie feeling as well, and coming back there was a huge horse and I had the feeling I’d seen that horse many times before and it was scary because it was so close, we were following a stream and the horse was under some kind of wooden roof with hay, and we were really close and I told my son to go really slowly so not to scare the horse. at one point the horse was chasing us and I was on the other side of the water already and I saw that my son could go to the right cause there was grass there and I was trying to tell him to go that way but he wasn’t. then at the last possible moment when the horse was right behind him lochy went to the right and jumped across the stream towards me, turning into a fluffy grey lemur thing that was really cute, and there was a wolf right next to him or maybe I was the wolf and he landed in my arms I think and I was happy he was ok
in another part, it was after work and I was going to some dinner with my boss and some other people but I had to get clothes first, my boss gave me this sweater to wear over whatever clothes I found, and I recognized it as a sweater I thought might look good on me but wasn't sure cause I hadn't tried it on yet, but it was really hot out but I took it anyway. I climbed up these twisting stairs and there were other people there too looking for clothes, but they didn’t have any of the clothes I wanted, and the lady seemed kinda rude so I left, going back down the stairs. I remember most of the clothes being brown leather. then I was at the restaurant and we had a number for our table I think it was like 89 or something. Then other people thought it was for a room, cause there were these private rooms that had numbers above the doors. Then I found out Dave and Sarah (a married couple who are very good friends of mine) were there in a room, and they came over to say hi to me and I felt really comfy with them, happy and content.

I'm not sure what else to say about the dream, except that the horse felt really really powerful and scary to me. It almost kicked me or my son at one point. I would really appreciate anything anyone has to say about this dream, and thank you if you actually read through all that!
