I just woke up from this dream.

I was at the house of a kid of I'd met online, Tim (he is real). He wasn't there, but two of his friends were. I remember for some reason we were making jokes that we were gay. Then Tim showed up, though he looked like how he did in an older picture rather than a recent picture. Soon enough more people showed up, maybe about 30 of them. We were all in one room. At one point I remember thinking that they didn't look like Tim's crowd, but they must have come as an excuse to do something.

Soon, a blond girl started asking around for people to help her with something and I said I'd help her. At this point in the dream, I think I was supposed to go to the blond's home and make sure the coast was clear, or something like that? Like she wasn't supposed to be out and I was supposed to make sure her parents weren't waiting for her or something? Anyway, by the very end of the dream the 'mission' she gave me gets 'retconned,' but I'll explain it when it happens.

So I was driving on the highway at night and pulled off and right there on the side of the road was the building where she lived, but it turned out not to be a house but a boarding school. There was a car parked horizontally across the entrance to the driveway so no one could come in. I slowed so I could read the signs, but the man in the horizontally-parked car looked at my car suspiciously, so I parked a ways up the road and walked back. I didn't want the man in front to see me, so using dream-logic, I climbed a fire escape to the roof and looked down at the signs and learned that it was a strict religious school. But the man, who it turned out walked with two mechanical crutches, saw me anyway. I think there was a police officer with him. I SOMEHOW got off the roof and escaped.

Here is where my mission (that's how I thought of it) seemed to retcon. The blond girl wanted me to make sure her friend Kiki got away from the boarding school and bring them together. But apparently we were all supposed to meet at a theatre. As it turned out, the theatre was playing the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie for one night, and it was like a big event, it was really crowded. My family and relative were there, too. Walking through the crowds I saw the crippled man, I guess trying to reach Kiki.

At one point I saw the back of her head and knew it was her. So I ran to her and kept shouting her name. She didn't hear me, but she saw the blond girl a little way off. They greeted each other right before I came into blondey's view. She saw me and assumed Kiki had gotten here herself without me help, so she gave me a "thanks anyway" nod. And Kiki's back was to me, so she never saw me. But somehow I had dream-knowledge that my incident at the boarding school DID help her (though using real logic, it's not totally clear how; maybe she could have escaped while the crippled man was trying to get me off the roof).

The movie had ended when I got to the theatre and everyone was leaving, so I found my family and we left. Someone said that at least I had a date, and I said sadly that I didn't, and they reminded me that I pretended my guy cousin was my date. Another gay joke... Then I guess I woke up shortly after that.

I should also mention that at two or three points in the movie, someone would say "hi" or "how are you" and I was really confused and unsure how to answer, so I would just say "hi" or "ok" really forced and awkwardly.

As soon as I woke up, I felt some kind of really strong emotions. One of them was a SAD kind of feeling, like after going through with my mission all I got was a nod, and Kiki never even knew about me. And I had a sad feeling that I'd MISSED something. The movie, of course, but also I guess people's company or something?? Also, I felt a strong nostalgia for the ninja turtles, which I loved as a child...

In real life, I've been in college a few years and haven't made any friends and lost almost all my friends from high school. And I'm really bad at talking...

EDIT: Oh, and it's been a REALLY long time since I'd had a dream that I remember this well. The previous night I was playing two scary games, though they weren't THAT scary, and then I chugged a beer. Maybe that's got to do with it?