Hello everyone! I am new here, I have always been interested in lucid dreaming and the such, but that's another topic. I am here to see if anyone can help give their interpretations on this strange dream I had.

I wouldn't say it was a nightmare, as I was never afraid at any point. The dream was in different stages, first I found myself in a similar, though not so same version of my own house, but if I recall, we were in New York, not California (where I live). I had relatives over, they shared similar traits to ones I have in New York, but weren't specifically them, I couldn't really make their faces out. During the dream I had to use the shower, but I kept finding myself using the wrong shower, the sinks and tub's were full of junk, random junk, hair, and it would change every time I would re-enter. I'd try to make my way back to my own bathroom and I would wind up in the same "dirty" one everytime, like a loophole between attempting to enter my bathroom, and the "dirty" one. Strange part, yes...but not my main concern.

The dream shifted, no idea how, to what appeared to be a cross between a high-school gym and a wrestling room. I recognized some of my friends in the gym from various sports I played in high-school. We were all, what seemed to be conditioning for a sport, judging by our apparel, basketball. During the dream I was thinking this has to be a tryout. But there were many people I didn't recognize, particularly one young athlete running beside me. The dream shifted to a stage where everyone was leaving, and the only people staying behind were people who wished to work out more afterward. I started trying to run lines (for any of you that don't know what those are, it's where you run to a certain line designated on the court, then run back to the starting point, then to the next, then back...and it keeps going) but I was slipping, it seemed like I couldn't get a grip on the floor. But, the other athlete next to me (very strong, very determined, and quiet) was beginning to mimic my workout in an attempt to train with me. I thought, "great! a workout partner". We continued to run lines until the dream shifted to use wanting to race. Nothing out of the ordinary really, right? Just wait...

So we race, I am a very fast athlete, I was the fastest player on my Soccer team, and probably in my whole school during my junior and senior year. During the race, I am faster than I have felt, but the guy racing me is almost as fast, but I feel he's holding something back, I can see it in his eyes and face, there is more to him. We decide to race once more, but random little things start changing, now a man in a suit yells at assistants to move out of the way, and he puts his hands up to signal us when to go. He puts his hands down and signals us to go, I feel my acceleration, it is unreal, this time I don't keep track of my opposite opponent, but then everything blacks out....

Now I am in another high-school gym, similar to that of my own, but different color schemes. I am somewhat cramped in the bleaches on the top row, I am thinking to myself, "what the hell happened to that race?" I find out that I raced with all the thousands of students watching, but I wasn't sure of the results. I ask what looks like to be an administrator or teacher at the school, "did I win, who won?" He responds in gibberish, somewhat mumbling...it sounds like he said, "who do you think kid?" as if he was implying my opponent smoked me bad. Cheerleaders are awaiting to reveal the results, as they were caught on camera (I assume?). Then the dream shifts to the gym empty...

There is an old man in a gray suit, seated in a wheelchair. He asks me to come follow him, so I do. I ask him, what's the deal with this kid who I raced, he mumbles and gibberish comes out, some of it I can make out, "he is nothing you have ever encountered, he is not like normal kids, he excels at other things while others don't(those were the only things I could make out)." The whole atmosphere outside is bit sinister, the wind is blowing hard, the grass is moving, it is overcast, as if a storm is coming. I ask the man some questions about the kid (I can't remember them), and as he answers yes or no, he is convulsing, his eyes began to fade to white, he leans over, and is dead. I scream someone help, but I get this strange feeling I am being made to believe I had something to do with his death, like I am being setup. I begin running, running far away from that place. I end up at a stone house and there is a very sinister looking woman and I tell her what happened, I cannot recall what she said to me exactly, but I remembered that it seemed like she knew something was going on, and she was apart of it.

Then everything shifted again, this is where things get really wacky, I had a dream I was in my car trying to escape on a road, and the road implodes and I cannot escape. I jump out from my car and draw blades from my hands (similar to wolverine I guess) as if I am ready to fight, but before I can look up to see what I am running from, I woke up.

I tried my best to recall everything, I was reenacting the dream in my head so I wouldn't forget. Sorry for the wall of text, I tried to explain everything as best as I could! Perhaps if anyone can make it through the read they can take some attempts to decode the dream. Thank you!