July 31st, 2005

I'm writing this at 6:15 in the morning with 3 hours of sleep, and a pseudo-nightmare to boot. Incidently, my first nightmare in about a year occured when I was hungry, home-alone and tired.

I was in one of those lovely dream apartments. You know the ones. The apartments where absolutely no lights work, or they only sort of work. During this little dream I was supposed to be going to the U.S. with my work buddy Aaron to play interenet games for the 'great ping'. I kept thinking I was in Europe or something, because I had to go west, over the Atlantic.

So I was getting ready to leave my apartment, and I tried turning some lights on, nothing worked except this one little light that had about 1 watt of power coming out of it. I tried turning on my digital camera as well, but to no avail. I went and rented "The Grudge" in this dream. Suddenly I was snapped back into my apartment that I don't own, washing dishes and half-watching The Grudge which was in the other room. I remember the beginning of the Grudge, it was nothing like the beginning in my dream. Mine was much more action-ous. One scene, the lady was coming up from the sink to this little boy. And I noticed she was coming out of my sink as well (though I wasn't really scared), so I pulled a knife off this magnet knife-holder thing similar to mine at my work, and started sliing at her, but it just went right through.

Then, it snapped to this guy with a picture of this guy holding this ghostly face back. If anyone has played "Fatal Frame", you'll know what kind of picture it is.


Think like that, but alot closer and more 'suprised', like the Fear Dot Com lady.


This guy was looking at it, and was saying "So he uses this as bait?" moving it back and forth, because it was 3D.

That's all I can remember.