Remembered bits and pieces of the first dreams, the last part (as always) was pretty clear.

Made another attempt to control something but failed miserably.

I was in a labrynth with a bunch of torches that were green. I focused on the torch and knew I was dreaming. There were some whispers at first, but they turned to screams, roars and then....I don't know how to describe it, threats (?) coming from far down the maze. I told myself not to be afraid, and I was trying to analyze something, I think I was logically going through my head that nothing could hurt me. I tried to put my hand through one of the stone walls, I kept poking it and telling myself that it was jello and that I could pass right through it. The torches were gone and there were scurrying noises. I don't know how but I knew they were mechanical bugs. I remember sitting in the middle of the hallway and closing my eyes, trying to bring the torches back. I really did try to stop myself from being afraid, telling myself it couldn't hurt me. I saw whatever it was, it was a dog (and I knew that it was an old dog that I've had since I was 6, but he died a few years ago) but he was wearing shoes and was talking. Threatening me and whatever, I still tried to change something, anything at all. He was running towards me and the hallway became longer, like he was further away. I looked at him and tried to change the colour of his fur even though I tried to ignore the fact that he was going to tear me apart. It was a brownish but bloody coat and I remember I kept trying to make it any other colour, purple or blue. I told myself it was going to happen but I was knocked over. I didn't open my eyes but I didn't think I was in the labrynth anymore because I heard children playing but he was still on top of me. I could feel the pain but told myself it wasn't real and I didn't move until he was gone. And then I was in my house, on the couch, bleeding. This woman that I've never seen before (but somehow I knew she was supposed to be my mum) was screaming that I was bleeding and that I needed to lie down to get better. I saw myself in a further third-person and there was a hole in my stomach. I knew I was freaking out, but still tried to concentrate on changing the colour of the blood on my hands. I think that was the last thoughts going through my head before I woke up even though I remember small pieces that may have come afterwards about a "control reset" and being stuck in a house. But I woke up.