
Last night I had my first lucid dream. I just joined this site today (oct 13th) and have never attempted to have a lucid dream before. I was not even aware of what a lucid dream was untill I looked it up online today. I have never kept a dream journal or done anything to try an induce lucid dreams.
While dreaming last night, I looked into a mirror It was a short lived experience but a fascinating one. I want to do it again. I want to learn how to make it happen. This is the most amazing discovery of my life. I am still baffled.


I was standing atop a machine. A machine about 10ft tall, 15ft in length and about 8ft in width. On one side there were stairs leading to the top of the machine and on the other side a conveyer belt on three big gears. It ran clockwise from the top left to the bottom right, back to the left along the bottom and straight up to the top again. A triangle formation. Sounds confusing but looks great in the pictures I drew. I don't know what the machine was for but It discarded this small dime size, white, plastic disc's. Like it was punching holes in somthing. I am on the top of the machine doing my job, whatever it is, when I find myself standing in a large room dressed in billiard colors. The wall infront of me is one big book shelf, wall to wall, ceiling to floor with the exception af a large rectangular mirror


My recall begins with me giving some girl a ride. We're approaching the bottom of a hill where the road comes to a "T". I can't remember her name but she say's " that's the place, right in front of us". I insist that she must be wrong. I take a left, the road bends around to the right and I then take my next right. I see a dormitory style red brick building outside my window. It reads "Smithsonian" above the door. My surroundings seem very familiar to me. "That's the place isn't it", I say. "Yes, yes it is", she says. I pull up to the building and we both get out. There are a set of (glass) double doors. Inside the doors is a desk which almost takes up the entire area and another set of double doors behind it. There is a black woman at the desk. I think she's a receptionist or somthing. The girl is hesitant about entering but I talk her into it. I wait outside because there isn't enough room for the three of us. I write my name and phone # on a piece of torn paper, reach inside the door and hand it to her, I tell her to call if she needs anything. She then invites me in. We are both looking at a state map on the wall. It's a long narrow state, I just don't know which one. There are postings all over the map that say "free jobs", whatever that means. On my way out I notice a handicapped boy with braces on his legs. The girl I gave a ride to, tells me I should help him outside. I hold the door for him as he exits the building. He makes his way to a van that is waiting for him and the driver is there to assist as well. "The girl" then joins me outside. Before I leave I remember that I am going to need to fill up with gas. Conveniently there is a gas station right there. My car is no longer a car. I'm not really sure what it is. It's sort of like a scooter only smaller. I reach into my pocket and pull out $1.20. It's enough to fill my tank up about 80%of the way. "The girl" want's me to pump and jump but I insist on paying. I give my money to her, two quarters, two nickels and six dimes. I leave the same way that I came in. I am driving up a hill, the pot holes and joints in the road are really starting to get bad. The sun has gone down but it's not completely dark. I realize that there are no shoulders to the road, infact there is nothing on either side of the road. It just drops off on both sides. It's getting harder and harder to ride. My mini scooter is even smaller now, like a novelty item not intended for use. It's too dark and the road is too rough, I have to get off and walk it. Some guy who is walking want's to ride my scooter but I don't let him. Everything fades to black.

the following is a different dream...same night.

I am in a house at the end of a culdisac. There is an unsafe set of stairs leading up to an attic area. I make my way up the stairs. My Mother is there, she is on the phone with some guy named lennon. I get the impression that she is cheating on my father. She begins to cry and say's she can't do this any more. I take the phone from her and tell Lennon that if he ever calls or comes around that there is going to be trouble. I walk to another part of the upstairs where I find this crack whore named crissy stealing purple fabric to make a dress. A little blonde haired boy who lives there catches her and then quickly runs away. Suddenly I am next door in my Families house. The contractors aren't doing a good job, the entire house leans to the left. I ask my mother if she questioned their credentials before hireing them. She did not. I go out back onto the beach and begin goofing off with others already outside. We are having a contest to see who can throw this yellow intertube the furthest through the air. I get hit in the back of the head with a small basketball. I turn around to see three little kids playing. They must be about seven or eight years old. I yell somthing to the little girl but she doesn't respond. I repeat myself to no avail. She looks all pixilated like when they blur out things on T.V. i can't make out any distinguishable features. Oh well, I jump up onto what is called an astronaut rock. It's painted red and green and is no bigger than a basketball. There is another rock infront of me which someone slams their hand into and pulls a piece of it out. He yell's somthing and throws the pieces out into the ocean, skipping on the water all the way to he horizon. I return inside and hear the doorbell ring. I think it must be Lennon. I awake.

at one point in one of my dreams there was a guy with a very big chin and a transparent upper torso. He keeps saying "I don't need to___?___ you do". I have no idea what word is supposed to fill in the blank.

There is also this weird sceene where I am trying to put on a pair of underware that doesn't belong to me. It's to small and it rips but I continue wearing them throughout my dream.

Sunday, October 16th, 2005

I was with my friends josh and bob. We are in Josh’s house and he wants to go hunting. Both Josh and Bob have bags, about a quarter each. We load a bunch of cheap beers into our pockets, natural ice I think, and head out to the woods around back. I remember passing an abandoned car on an old path. It was filled with all kinds of junk. Josh said that the car is where he sleeps when he stays out overnight in the woods. I didn’t know if he was being sarcastic or not, I didn’t ask. We continue through the woods and come upon a ravine. It was quite a steep drop-off. Josh gets a running start and attempts to jump it. He pushes off and jumps so far through the air that he ends up way off his mark and lands hanging from a telephone wire. He scurries back and forth on the wire like a squirrel looking for a lost nut. He wants to find a way down but cant. There are state employees working on the telephone polls but they don’t help Josh. I think that if we had a blanket we could stretch it out and let Josh drop onto it. There is no blanket. Josh is right above me and about to drop. He let’s go and all 200lbs are on there way down. I attempt to catch him but instead just end up breaking his fall. He has knocked my four front teeth loose and blood is pouring from my mouth. I take off through the woods back towards the house. I am pulling my loosened teeth out along the way. I am holding all four teeth in my hand, the blood is still running like a faucet. I have no dental insurance, how will I get my teeth fixed I’m thinking to myself. I come upon a couple in the woods. Apparently they are old flames reuniting. He is a bald man from England and She is a beautiful brunette a few inches taller than him. I stand there bleeding, holding my teeth in my hands, watching them profess their love for one another. Awake.

[b]Monday, October 17th, 2005

I am in college and on the basketball team, only I’m not one of the players but the mascot. I don’t know what school or team it is, all I know is that I have to dress up in this chicken outfit. I’m talking the full get up, the kind you see at Disney world with the big heads and everything. I’m in a changing room with Janice Dickinson (surreal life 5 and first super model) and jordy from star trek. I am trying to explain to them that I am having trouble attaining lucidity in my dreams and that I am getting frustrated. Jordy, Janice and I are all apart of the pep team for the basket ball team and were pretty bad at it. Our coach decides to give us all a little motivation by flying in people who are important to us, people from our past. For me, the coach brought in an ex-girlfriend of mine from five years back. Her name is Mary and we were together for about four years. Mary is the only woman I dated who I can say I really loved. I see her and run to her. I give her a big hug and tell her how much I’ve missed her. This all happened right before we are supposed to go out for a game. I return to the changing room and attempt to get ready but I can’t find my shoes anywhere. I’m running around like crazy trying to locate them. I decide to quit the team. Why do I need to be a stupid mascot? Mary’s here and she’s all I want. I run out to find her and get hurried onto a train with the rest of the pep crew and team to travel to an away game. The train begins to shake and rattle uncontrollably. It was like being on a train and in an earthquake at the same time. I feel like my surroundings are just going to come ripping apart all around me. The train finally stops and we all get out. I’m standing across from a museum. The name of the museum is “Africa”. I awake.
I have already woken up four or five times by this point and have been able to fall right back to sleep. This time I am fully awake and write everything down in my dream journal. Upon going back to sleep I tell myself that I am going to go back to the same dream that I was having. It will be my first attempt at a mnemonic initiated lucid dream. So as I drift off I am trying to imagine the scene prior to one I had when I awoke. I’m thinking of the train scene and about getting to Mary. I drift off. Instead of being on the train, I find myself outside the museum. The images are very vague and I’m not sure if I am dreaming or just in a very relaxed state exercising an over active imagination. I am somewhat aware of my purpose of finding Mary and not sure If I am sleeping. I don’t open my eyes, although I felt like I could if I tried. I guess it was like being in a very, very light sleep. My surroundings come more into focus and I reach out with my hand and take a step at the same time. It felt like I was walking into my dream. I awake.