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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Spanjo's Dream Journal

      My dream experiences up until now.

      I usually half wake up from my dreams and I sit up yelling and pointing. I have at one point slapped somebody across the face while I was asleep.
      I was a border at school and occasionally would go walking through the halls into other peoples rooms and abuse them or I'd run into someones room and would be shaking from terror.
      I do go through stages of getting out of bed and running. I stop running when I realise what is going on.
      I have had the occasional dream where I wake up and see a translucent body next to me.
      I've had many dreams about spiders all shapes and sizes lowering themselves from the ceiling.
      There have been dreams where lots pf people are sitting on the end of my bed whispering to me or they are kneeling next to me and whispering so low I can't understand them.
      I did dream of my sister been taken away in a silver blanket in an ambulance. She had overdosed on heroin. A few days after this dream I found out she was an addict.
      I can't recall all my experiences but my dreams seem very messy.
      I also dream with my eyes open. It is something I can't help. I do have very dry sore eyes everyday.

      My dream of night 27th Nov

      I hadn't been in bed long when I woke up choking. I really felt like I was being choked. It took me a few minutes to get my breath back. I don't know what I was dreaming but I did feel very disturbed.

      I had a whole cluster of dreams after that.

      There was a tall, greasy haired man called Garry, he was wanting me to write down his name and number. I didn't want to. He kept telling me he had a lot of bonsai plants in his car but he finally admitted he had a heap of mull plants. ( I'm worried that this dream might be telling me that my sister who was an addict but has cleaned herself up is now using again ).

      I was so hot and had to go swimming. All I could wear was my white t-shirt and undies. ( This dream has no significance to anything ).

      My son was up and dressed for school and vomitted on himself ( YUK!!! He was ok when he got up ).

      My mother in law had bought me a washing machine when I didn't need one. She decided to give it to my sister because her washing machine had broken. ( Couldn't figure out why I would dream this until I was talking to my sister and she was telling that she couldn't do any washing today because her washing machine had packed it in ).

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Night 29th NOV

      I went to bed feeling really tired. I know in the tutorial it says to sleep, wake up and sleep before doing LD. I lay there and let my body relax but tried to stay awake. My body got really heavy and I felt like I was floating and i had started to tilt sideways.
      My baby woke up.
      I lay back down and relaxed again. My body felt like it was buzzing and I was really light all of a sudden and felt a little light headed.

      I did have a strange dream about my Mum telling me she was ill. I left the room so she could have a bath. I came back and she had gotten changed into a red top and was really confused and didn't know where I had gone. Then she told me she had bowel problems (lovely just what I wanted to know in my dream).

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Night 1st Dec

      My husband aske me this morning if I'd had any good dreams. At first I couldn't remember anything but as the day goes on little things have been triggering my memories of my dreams last night. Apparently I said to him "We can't do it here" he asked me "what" but I didn't answer.

      1st dream - Dark, blood red colour, low table. japanese interior. Having private dinner when strangers showed up.
      2nd dream - Shopping for xmas present for my bro-inlaw. Knew he needed a bbq mate.
      ( Didn't know he needed a bbq mate at all. my Sis-inlaw sent me some suggestions this morning for presents for him. She suggested a bbq mate because he had broken his )

      I like dreaming about things that are going to happen but I wish I could dream about significant things not about washing machines and bbq mates. I guess now I realise that it is happening I can try and focuss on the more important dreams.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Night 3rd Dec

      I was walking on the footpath of a busy street. I hear "Look Out". I turned around and saw a man running towards me with a serrated edge knife. He grabbed me. I grabbed the knife with my left hand and it cut through the palm of my hand. I tried out some taekwondo moves but he still kept coming at me. He pulled out a smaller sharp knife and I grabbed it with the right hand and it cut me. He pulled out a pocket knife and flung open the blade.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Night 6th Dec

      1st Dream - Dim light, lots of people in building, people I knew, My Mum was looking after my baby and my baby went missing.

      2nd Dream - My husband told me he had found somebody else. I met her and she was a gorgeous Phillipeno lady with really long hair. They were so happy together.
      This morning my Husband was really unhappy and I don't know why. I started thinking about my dream and am wondering if my dream is telling me he isn't happy with me anymore.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      Night 7th Dec

      Not much action.

      Went to bad at 11pm woke up screaming at 11:30pm. I was watching a HUGE spider crawl down my wall towards me.............................I sat up and watched it jump onto the door.

      My husband came in and checked everywhere....no spider.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      I've been so busy organising things for xmas and haven't had time to write in here.

      Sat 18th Dec - My dream

      It was kind of dark outside. Everything had a dull grey look about it. There were a lot of flats and on top of the blocks of flats were cast iron claw foot baths.
      Inside the building were a large group of gay men rehearsing. They were rehearsing for a musical which my taekwondo master was producing. The room was very bright. The man instructing was dancing and singing a song. In my dream it felt like I watched the whole song.
      When I awoke I remembered the song for a second and it is a song I have never heard before. I think I'll have to get a little tape recorder and quickly sing part of the song. Maybe it could have been the next big hit.

      Sun 19th Dec - My dream

      I was walking down the street with the palm of my left hand on the inside of my right arm and my arm bent. I was repeating to myself 'No I didn't do it, No I couldn't have done it" when I straightened out my arm I had track marks down my arm.
      Shooting up drugs is something I would never do. I have had a dream before about my sister overdosing, this is when I found out she was a heroin addict. I'm hoping this dream isn't telling me she is using again.

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Nov 2005

      dream 9th jan

      ive' been so tired and haven't really had any dreams.

      This morning I woke up crying. I was so emotional.
      I had dreamt my husband died. I was at the cemetry which was next to a river, there was a boat coming down the river pulling behind it an enormous cross which was for my husband. I turned to my Dad crying and said "I just want to open up the coffin and wake him up".
      Nest thing I was at home sorting through all his things.

      It really has upset me.


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