F***! the time sequence is already gone!
Ok. I start with dreaming i'm back to highschool and have not done sone homework. thei I go away with some people and have a deep -intim talk with a cool guy i don't absolutely know - both in the deam and reality - in a bucolic fluvial setting. Don't remember what we were talking about.
I know it's much longer here, but can't remember anything.
Then i remember some annoying flashes of me when I was six. Didn't like what i saw. Looks as i was a very meschina2 child. Don't thik they were much realistic, but maybe more than i would want.
It's like I was watching time like a movie, and then i "landed" in a birthday party (mine) in my garden. there were my classmates of the primary school, and they was a little scared of me "grown up", also because sometimes it seemed there were two of me, the big and the small, but not always.
I remember playing with a jumping stuff, and they thought i would break it, nd I said "It's been mine for more than ten years" - so, it feels like we were in "my" time, mean present, but even of this i'm not sure.
Then the good stuff.
The party went on in a house, and there was something to pay. People was arguing about ho should pay, and i wanted to take control of the dream and go away to do my "private" entry in my "to do " list (i even managed to remember the list in the dream). So I said my little copy would have paid for everybody and left the table. Some classmates (but now they looked teenage and so I don't know if they were still classmates or only random DC) followed me curiously, and me too I wanted some of them with me. I think i felt them as being "memories" but not sure. Anyway for some I felt a strong love feeling.
So I said "Who wants it, follow me. I'm leaving to my quest."
I wanted to take with me my little self too, because i thought ( not too logically, i have to admit) that if i had accomplished that as a child, i would have grown up a better person. I think it was sort a "redemption of the past" thing, but dunno.
Anyway my little one didn't look much interested, and me too didn't like her enough, so i didn't call her.
Went out of the room, and reached the upper floor with a nice serie of jumps (jumping is my favourite way to move in dreams, and also help me to keep lucid). Looked at the others around, thinking they could jump too because they sort of were me. They actually could, who better, who worse.
While walking, i tied all those little things useful in dreams, like crossing walls and so on. It was important because i "knew" i would reach the place where the quest would be over by passing throug the right mirror. [/color]
(hei, i know it's all twisted-complicate, but i knew it too in the dream. it sort of had to be that way, because i wanted the answers to come from my subconscious or something, anyway deep, not only to fit what i expected.)
anyway, there werent rooms or mirrors or anything on the floor, only some unfinished rooms full in darkness. I told the others to try to follow me, and then I think its' when i started to hold Claudia's hand (the girl on my right. can't remember who was on the left, maybe a boy dunno)
Then i let the darkness lead me where they should, and ended up in an apartement. It was quite full of people, most of them people i know. Don't know how many followers i lost in the travel, anyway i'm sure i had at least claudia and another one still with me.
We wandered around looking for the mirror. Time to time, some of the random DCs talked with us. One, called Parasite, (he was really called so, not only in the dream) said: "this time i'm not there to protect you. you may be contacted by some buisnessmen). I said: "from the other side?" (by meaning: an evil one?) and he said no.
then going on, walk and meet, walk and meet, and i thought to myself: "maybe is simply this the quest? maybe the answer is in those people from my past wandering around?"
Then i thought we had found the right mirror. It was a little one, split in two by the wood frame, like a cabinet door. I thought my brain choose a very uncomfortable mirror to pass trough. I said to the others "it's this i think"
But when i tried to push my hand through it i couldnt, and was very disappointed.
Now, awake, i notice i didn't see my reflection, and actually going through a mirror but not trhoug my reflection would have been no use for my "quest")
Anyway, claudia said "i think it's another one, follow me." and held my hand (like i had left it before touching the mirror). I said "ok, you lead".
Then she pulled me to a high and thin whole-figure mirror with prints on it, like old "cocacola's" ones. I didn't see my reflection too, but light from behind it, the same colour i expected the place to be.
I said "no, this one is fierce"
I heard growling from behind, then began to lose control.
I thought it was because the growl caused me an emotion - most like fear i admit .
then i woke up.
I felt heavy and strange. I kept on feeling the hands of claudia and the other in my hands for a while after i opened my eyes, and when i tried to get up my head ached for a pair of seconds.
It looks like it was pretty intense for my body, even if during it it didn't seem, for i let a lot of freedom to the dream...
anyway, for me it's a good one. dunno if it makes any sense without knowing the purpose of the quest