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    Thread: Dream Chronicle

    1. #1
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Under Wisconsin's soil

      Dream Chronicle


      Ok, this is a cool dream and I want to remember it forever. Mabey I can have it again, who knows. Here is the jig-jag on my dreams lately.... I have gotten lazy and don't record dreams, my memory of dreams is failing and I haven't had a lucid dream for a while. It sucks ass.....

      Here is my dream:

      I am sprending time with my father. We are riding on the backroads and goign to meat some of his friends. We are in Veitnam and goign to see an outpost. When we get there it is a cleared out area, but at the same time a perfect hiding place. On the right side it was a flat grassy area and twords the left it slopped downward.

      There was a handfull of men and thery where hevily armed and a few gunshots went off every few minutes. I picked up a sub-machine gun and one of the men told me it was useless to use against the enemy. He told me that they had small bullets and you needed bigger bullets to take the enemy out.

      A handfull of vietcong came charging at us, I took cover and looked down my sights. I clipped one on the shoulder and a guy on the .50 cal. ripped him to shreds. I shot another in the head; he dropped like a rock. My father told me it was against regulations for me to stay here without him, so we left.

      We returned several hours later, it was night time. My father dropped me off and I was there with the soldiers. I took up a position on the hill and surveyed my surroundings. Tons of enemy where advancing upon our position. I looked through my nightvision sights and picked off everyone within my area. I was counting on the others to do the same so I wouldn't be over run.

      Well, after a while I had to fall back, I was out of ammo and more where coming to my location. I fell back a few 100 yards and let loose on the mounted M63. Bullets ripped through the enemy, nothing could stop me now. I ripped through their lines like a lawnmower cutting grass. Line after line fell. Planes flew in; bombing; I decided to play dead as to avoid givign my position away.

      After a few of the enemy passed by me un suspicious, one came up to see if I was alive. He felt my chest and heard my beating heart. He opened his mouth like he was gonna speak, when I head butted him and knocked him out. No one was left, the bombings left only dead in its wake. I looked around and found that a bunch of our men survived. It was a kick ass dream.

      I wish I could have described the sights and sounds, but I just cant find the words, it was amazing, how real it was and how awsome it felt. I wasn't lucid, but that was by far the best dream ever.

    2. #2
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Next Message

      Alright here we go:

      So, I am at a crossroad, I do not know which way to turn. I am trying to get somewhere but I can't recall where. I see one path has a bowling alley by it and I decide against going down that path. As soon as I go down the other path I realize my destination is across the street from the bowling alley.

      I get to the bowling ally and see alot of people there, I go in it and it is a military complex. I don't remember who, but I have a crew with me. It is alot like a ware house, and I see a group of people. We restrain them and find out they are the leaders.

      I knock over the hot girl who is with them and we start making out, at first she resists me but after the tounge on tounge action we are in sync. Thats when the Dream ended...

      I woke up frenching my pillow....

    3. #3
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Under Wisconsin's soil

      Here is another dream from last night

      My dad's house is a huge abandoned building. And we live on the 2nd floor because the first is a skatepark. All of my little brothers and sisters run wild through the house. I don't recall much just that there are ghosts that haunt it and that I get lost alot.

      My dream shifted to my class trip I took a few weeks ago. Also I don't recall much just that I had to be pickted up late and The hotel is dark....

      A third part of the dream is where I have some sort of magical abilities and am on a quest with a monster allie.... I can't recall much more....

    4. #4
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Thug 2

      I don't remember anything from my dream, just that I was skateboarding, I should stop playing so much Tony Hawk's Underground 2.....

    5. #5
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Hot Babe Action

      After thinking about it for a while I have figured out what I was dreaming.

      So I am at the Hubertus House of Horror and I am working there as I do every year. This time it is different, a girl is there with me, she happens to be this chick who I know and talk alot with AIM. She tells me she is hungry and we get in the car, for some reason she is driving and I am in the passenger seat. We drive down the dark driveway onto the street and see the two adjacent bars. She tells me she would like pizza and she wasnt to go to Sloppy Joe's. Then I tell her that I don't have any money on me so we stop at my house. I see my grandma sitting in the driveway and I wounder about that.

      I enter the house and get like 30 dollars from my dad. I go into my room and decide to change, often what happens in dreams is I take forever to make decisions. I finally decided to wear jeans and a hoodie. I get outside and into the car. I tell her about how sorry I am for the delay. We start driving and I tell her about a great pizza place. On our way there we are up on a hill. It is a huge drop down and its all grassy around the road.

      We see the Pioneer Plaza McDonalds and it is all lit up and I tell her about how awsome that is. We proceede to Menomonee Falls. The roads are strange in my dream, We get on big windy freeways and I don't recall much more but then we find ourselves stranded. Some of my buddies are there and they take apart the car for some reason. I can recall a big building where survivors go and gather up for rescue.... I can recall her leaving to go home and I am sad and tell her about how she is the best thing ever and should come back.

      After that I don't really recall much but umm.... The building we where in was tan and had benches, it was a big open space. I can then recall I was back at my school and drinking a Corona and had to toss it before I get cought. Mr. Schoofs was there trying to sell something.... I don't recall much more.

    6. #6
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Ben and Sam's Excellent Adventure

      It all started out at my old school. The sun was up and the sky was blue. We where walking to go to church, it was full so me and Sam Martinez went and sat in a car hoping to not have to go to church. Our teacher Mr. C came out and forced us into church. I had to sit in a pew way in the back with Mr. N next to me and next to him was a kid named Andy. Mr. N was an old guy and he had grey hairs on his face and head. His beard was rough and he fell asleep. He was leaning on my shoulder, so I nudged him and he fell onto Andy's shoulder. After that I remember I was with Sam in a cornfield. It was dark out and Aliens where landing! They sent out probes and we tried to hide, the probes saw us and recognized us but nothing bad happened.

      Somehow we changed our apperence and escaped. We went to ha house in a neighborhood that is often in my dreams. This house was surrounded by a mote and I somehow got acrossed dryly and Sam swam across. We where going to break into the house but couldn't decide what to do. The lady came out and it was a pretty lady. She told us how her secerity system was broke so it was her who was manualy working the lights.

      All the sudden the house changed. It was daytime and we where with her and another girl. I recall us having a barbeque and that is all I remember.

    7. #7
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      sleep lazy

      As I remember I was at my house, with some neighbor hood friends and some people I didn't know. We went into my home. The carpets where white and the walls too everything was clean. We where looking for something to drink and I remember we went into my room. My room was the entire basement. It was drywalled and carpeted. The sterio was on and there was a couch a coffea table a tv, ps2, and my bed. Like my room exept the bsement.

      Then I remember being outside with my school chums. We where playing some game where like capture the flag. I can remember I got the ball and ran for it into the open. Andy, a good friend, was infront of me and ready to tackle. I used evasive menuevers, I kicked him in the balls, and then ran for the goal. My friend Jeff came up behind and tried to tackle me by jumping on my back. I just kept going and he fell off. GOAL!!! I had made it, then they said Danny C made a goal a second before me and I feared my team lost but then I saw he was on my team.

      The third part is from watching too much mission hill. I was on MTV and on The Real WOrld. My producer lady was hot and she was doing routeen inspections. I asked her what kind of food to get because I was going to secretly date tonight. I left with someone and the camera people where stalking us. We got to the train station and we missed the first trian. Then the second came and my friend jumped onto the rails with other people and the conducter got pissed. Eventually we got onto the train and then we set out. We had to transfer trains and thats when I lost them. I was happy because I was free and didnt have the camera guys following me.

      I saw one of my good friends at the station, he was back from his vacation. I was really happy and then I spilt soda and had to go get napkins to clean it up. I also saw my dad and entered a train with him. This train had elevating tracks which rose up the tall building and then began spinning around really fast! It stopped and we got off. Then coming up the escalator I saw more people from my Real World with their camera crew!!! I tried to run but they cought me and I was sucked back in to the rules of MTV...

    8. #8
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Under Wisconsin's soil


      This is my first LD in a while

      I was in a store and I saw these two model things. They danced and it was pretty funny. Then the owner came out and chased me. I ran through a mexican restraunt into a little door and down a sewer hatch. I emerged out of the tunnel in a desert town. Every building was made from sandbricks and the town/city was hilly, nothing was on the same level and I was about halfway up a hill when I emerged from the hatch. The Hatch was built into a hill and was in a ditch.

      Something clicked in my mind and I realized I was dreaming. I despraitly tryed to transport myself home by saying "Send me home" it didn'teally work and when I stopped doing it I mustave forgot I was lucid and continued dreaming. Now I was at my home and it was dark. I was on a date with this girl, I cannot remember her name it was like Angela but I don't remember.

      Now we where talking about videogames and alot of BLIZZARD games like Starcraft and Diablo. I remember being in my messy room and then playing Diablo. In my room I picked up some fricken huge strategy guide books. Then I remember doing a project for school. Though I was already graduated I was supposed to show up for one final thing. I remember saying to myself how retarded it was to have to go to school. I spent alot of time in the halls. I collected all of my money and then tryed to steal some from one of my friends.

      Some little kids saw me and made me give it back... I remember my project had spider eggs on it and it was gross!!! I snuck out in the middle of the night and threw it in the wooods. Then I remember being in the mid-evil times with that girl. There where four waring factions. I remember the colors where green, red, yellow, brown. I was apart of the yellow guys, the Scorpians, and because the green, the Camelots, had abandond me. I used to be the leader of the green but then I was kicked out when I went on a business trip...

      Everyone was up on bleechers sitting peacefully, it was a rally of sorts, and people where giving speeches. I went up to give a speech and after a little bit they let me. I said, "At one point I was king aurthor, Ruler of Camelot, but when I went on a trip for a week, THAT(pointing to a man) slimey bastard stole my castle, stripped me of power and dignity!!!" then I said, "I used to have Camelot pride, but now.... because the Camelots aren't loyal, I say SCORPIANS FOR LIFE!!!!! WE WILL WIN AND BE THE ULTIMATE!!!!!!" All the yellow guys jumped up and cheered, They where battle ready and we all fought.

      Now I was at home again, my girls home. She was running around and when we went inside she turned into a bug beast and one of my friends threw in a RAID grenade and saved me before I was devoured... Thats when I woke up.

    9. #9
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      48 % richboy

      Ok, so as I can remember, I was at Walmart with my dad. This walmart was the Supercenter one in West Bend. The ceiling was very high and white, the floor tiles where at one point white but now they are dirty. As we walk along, South I believe, twords the toys, I broke off from my dad and went by the art supplies. I saw the same worker there that was in my dream the last time I visited Walmart. I said to myself that I remember her from when I dremt about being in Walmart before, but didn't become lucid.

      She came up to me and asked me if I would like some help with anything. Dude, I was totally checking her out! She was about 5''2' and had a red Walmart vest thing on and had brown hair that was in a bun. She had no makeup on, but mabey some blush. She was thin, but she was still hot! She picked up some art and told me I can paint better than Da Vinci, I was like WTF? Then she showed me how to draw ontop of art?!?!?! I finished my drawing which looked like a misshappen Cloud, from FF7.

      She told me she would submit it into a contest and I can pay later. I went and found my dad and he payed for it. I returned to Walmart and made another drawing much better than before and payed upfront.

      ----Dream 2----
      I was on my way to a rummage sale with my class. We went to the woods and got set up for camp. I was wondering why we where having a fundraising rummage sale in the middle of nowhere. We where in a grassy clearing, sourroned on two sides by trees and on one side a thin layer of trees and the other side; road. I can also remember a herse sitting there, it was baby blue and had food in it

      ----Dream 3----
      I remember being in the ocean looking for my baby brother, he was in the ice cold water and ai scooped him up. He is only 2 months away from being 2 years old and cannot swim. I remember being followed in my boat by a German nuclear submarine and then my submarine blasted it to shit! I broke offf some funnel thing on my submarine and tryed to get into the airlock hatch but wouldnt fit. I lost my brother again, but found him, he was naked... Then some people from my sub came to the water and ushered me into the airlock where I fit perfectly and with my brother in my arms we where safe from the freezing water.

      ----Dream 4----
      I don't remember much, just being on a huge hill that wasn't too steep but it extended for about a mile from the top to the bottom. There was a farm house, a barn and other buildings here too, I remember being on the grassy hill with grass up to my knees in the night. It was quite a site, you could see the glow of the city in the distance.

    10. #10
      Member bgorichanaz's Avatar
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      Under Wisconsin's soil
      have been neglecting my dream journal again. It sux because I really want to write but I am too damn lazy.

      -Dream 2-
      I was in the town of Waukeshaw, on the freeway going north. I was passing the Watertower when everything went to hell. People got out of their cars and and forward. Zombies where comign and everyone was fleeing. I remember something about a bus. While I was running I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I tried to Fly, I said JUMP and I jumped but I didn't fly... I was trying hard to not stop being lucid, but I didn't I faded back to sleep. I recall taking refuge at what was called Dream Views... It is wierd like how I belived that if this site was a plot of land it would be hevily wooded and a clearing with a ten foot high fence.

      -Dream 2-
      I was with my 8th grade class like I always am in dreams. We where on our class trip and I remember getting the kids to follow me into mischeif. We entered different buildings and I remember loosing my bag in one. After we got caught I remember going back to the place to find my bag, it was scary and dark feeling. I remember it being Starcraft all of the sudden! I was surrounded by photon cannons and was a ghost. I was fighting for my life. I woke up drooling.


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