I had one of my best recalls from last night after eating coffee just before I went to sleep.

I was at this sort of holiday resort. It was night and there was a big stage surrounded by white apartment blocks. The big stage had a red curtain which was down. I went over to the stage and accedently stood on a square which triggered the show. Fireworks went off behind it and a black woman with long, curly hair was on stage. She started singing. I took a seat to watch it. I was the only one there. I realised that the woman wasn't real and the show was on a screen because the woman wasn't looking at me.

I then realised that I had seen the show before and got bored. I walked to the apartments. My family were staying there (not my real life family a different one).
2 cars pulled up fast next to me. They were full of black teenagers. Two white girls got out, they were laughing and joking around with the boys. I stood there watching them.

I think the girls were my sisters, but I cant be sure of that. I just know that they knew who I was. One of the girls was Evan Rachel Wood. ( A real life actress, in the film 'Thirteen'. I have a thing for her )

The cars drove off and I went inside the apartment. I was locked out. I climbed through a window. I awoke someone in my family and they thought i was a burgular. They chased me round and awoke some other family members. I remember smashing windows, alothough I have no idea why......

Then I remember being in my room, which was a bit like my room in real life. The cars pulled up outside my window again. They dropped off the girls and drove off. One girl went inside but the other (Evan Rachel Wood) stayed outisde and looked at me at the window. She was out late and needed to sneak inside.

Fireworks started, so i though someone must have started the show thing. There was a dustbin below my window so I told Evan to climb on it and I'd pull her up inside. She said she was ok and would enter through the front door. Then she came up to my room and we just talked......

Thats where I stop remembering and I woke up around 5am and wrote it down in my Dream Journal.