i swear like as soon as i woke up i realised i almost gained control, it was also about horses liek this follwing dream, but i prevented my death 2-4 times somehow, and saved some people once i managed to do it. I was falling off a cliff, but somehow made myself get to the top of the cliff to make the dream keep on going, as you know you cant dream your death. So i was so close, i controlled it, but i wasn't fully consciously aware of it.

Alright, so im not goin to go into full details, but i have been trying to lucid for like 3 or 4 days only.
i went to sleep just before in the afternoon, i had a few dreams, remembered 3.
one of them included my mum buying 4 horses for 12 dollars each LOL! this was a big DS but i didnt get lucid i just thought, what the fuck? 12 dollars, i actually asked her two or three more times, did u say 12 dollars? and one time i heard my brother yell out YES!!!! from the background
Anyway the horses were doing some wierd ass things like diving into a little basket and turning small, running to the other side of it under the blanket, poking up a little bit (could see some white) then they rand back to the closer side and jumped out, turned big and ran off, i swear they must have done this like 10 or 20 times throughout the dream like my brain was trying to say LOOK YOU FUCKING IDIOT, A DS, lol i didnt pick up on any of them. So my dad was in this pond and he said sumthing like "look at that betchet."
and a bit later i woke up, or so i thought (FA) and my mum said, "ohh thats what your dad was talking about a BETCHET" and i say "what is it?" and she says "like a statue of a horse" and i say why? and she says "you know, like, i betchya it will win" ????????? lol
anyway then i woke up and i had remembered 3 dreams or so, and i think i know now that one of my dreams signs is a white, slightly grey spots, horse, which can morph lol