I've decided I don't have time to type out all my dreams cause I have 2-4 everynight, and that would just be crazy. But anyways, in this thread I will share with you all Lucid Dreams, cause it would more interesting to me and you guys who would be reading this. So let's get started.

Lucid Dream #1 - 1/9/07

I woke up about 6 or so hours after I had went to sleep, and I was doing constant RC's, then I believed to of woken up and did an RC, and voila! I was dreaming, but my legs were extremely heavy and I couldn't move that easily. So I then closed my eyes and shook my head to try to manifest a new place, where I wouldn't be attached to my bed. Then my friend appears before me, where he is spiderman, and we have a lengthy conversation (which I can't remember that distictly) and he is being pretty cool about it. Then two of my other friends come running in the room and yelling "He can even download spider man fast too!" and we all had a good laugh, but then "spiderman" then said .. "yeaaaaaah..", and I woke up.

I did feel extremely happy to have this, but was a little disapointed that I couldn't move anywhere.

Lucid Dream #2 - 1/9/07

On the same night I was very happy about it, and had it in my mind for a very long time, so I then began trying to have another. In my dream I was in the kitchen, and I did a RC and I thought, "A 2nd chance!", so I then ran outside and it was very dark, so I yelled, "Lucidity Now!" Twice, in attempt to brighten the sky, little did I know I was yelling out the wrong thing. I then just thought, oh well, and just jumped into the sky and began flying, but it was so dark I couldn't see anything that well, so after about 5 seconds or so of flying, I felt like I needed to try something else, but I could not manifest anything in front of me. I tried everything I knew of at the time but nothing happened. But then I woke up, quite pleased wth myself.

Lucid Dream #3 - 1/9/14

I was waking up quite a bit at night, hoping for a chance for a LC, I tried MILD, and FILD, but it did not work at all, so I continued to drill it into my head, but nothing at all happened. So I fell asleep around 1 or so, and nothing was happening through out the night. It was then 11:20am and I thought, "I don't want to get up yet," so I just fell back asleep where it all began. It started in my kitchen again, and my brother was stealing alcohol from my parents, and I opened the fridge and they were sitting in it, and I was like, damn! Because they spotted us. So my brother scurries away upstairs, while I notice there is something cooking on the stove, where I try to finish the cooking, I did a random RC (or so I think), and I felt quite happy. I then began to run outside, but thought to myself, no, not this time, so I closed my eyes and began to spin around, and everything did get a little brighter. But I appeared back in my bed, and did an RC, and there you go, I was still dreaming, but I was AGAIN still really heavy. But this time I willed myself out of bed, did a quick spin, and ran downstairs where I was my brother sleeping, where I woke him up and said, "I'm having a LD!" I then proceeded outside where there was a green wall passed my front steps. But I thought, I can change this. So I yelled, "increase brightness!" and a HUGE crimson sky appeared in front of me, but a lot of overcast clouds came out and I thought, "aw hell naw!" So I began yelling out "Clouds Move!" and swaying my wand, and they did indeed moved, but more overcast clouds came!. But right after that, I had woken up, and the clock said 11:35. Who woulda thunk it?