Well, Monday I dreamt I was at some sort of "City of the Lucid", where LDers would hang out while they were asleep. I was lucid throughout this dream, which gave it an amazing level of detail: usually most of the people in my dreams are faceless or even just a feeling in the room, but there were tons of people in this little world walking down this wide sidewalk and they all had faces. (Tyler Durden was there. ) It was a really long dream where time started speeding up and I would look out the window and everything had changed... everyone was ageing and coupling off while I sat for what seemed a second at a computer. Alarmed and saddened by this, I went to the university to take a class, where I seduced a TA, who also looked like Brad Pitt...
I could have remembered a lot more, but I was too lazy to write it down...