I am not the most active member on this forum and I have been thinking about starting a dream journal so what a better way then to start here. I’m not sure on the exact dates since I’m going to be writing down some of the past dreams.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>
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Title:The charred corpse<o:p></o:p>
The charred corpse was unrecognizable. This was the one of many murders in this very school. (Dream memory) I did not recognize the school I suppose my unconscious created out of memories of other schools. I assume I was some sort of investigator trying to figure out how these murders were taking place. After investigating the body I decide for some reason to go outside. The night was dark and the air was cool. The outside was very recognizable, it what looked like the outside of my college building. As I look out into the distance I see these bushes rustle and a very large creature come out and start to run. I realize this creature is related to the murders in some way. Instead of following of any rational I start to chase the creature. I guess the person I am in the dream is very powerful seeing how when I face the creature I’m able to stand on my own. Once the fight begins the creature blinds me somehow and I am unable to see. But once I am able to sense It I somehow pull out these knives from my belt and throw them at this beast before they hit I wake up.<o:p></o:p>
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I am going to be posting a dream a day until I can catch up and start writing more recent dreams though this dream only happened about a week ago.