Lucid Dream: 06/08/07

At 7:00 PM I take two Melatonin tablets, each at 3mg and watch television. By 8:00 PM the Melatonin has pulled me into a light state of drowsiness; I go to bed. I fall asleep and awaken at 1:30 AM; I have put in 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I force myself up and dally around trying to find something to do. I even think about having a cup of coffee but think, “Better not to that. I want to get back to sleep.” I read some material I picked up off the internet the day before. It is on the nature of rapport vs. empathy. Because I am involved to some extent in remote viewing I understand the importance of empathy and rapport in a remote viewing session. It is the ONLY way to connect with the target and produce a good remote viewing session. I suspect the same may hold true for the lucid dream induction as well. Early hypnotherapies discovered the importance of rapport and empathy early on. The power of intention comes in next as equal importance.

At 8:00 I return to bed and begin a meditation. I begin with “being aware” of the different parts of my body, letting the tension dissipate from each part. I feel the body parts sinking into the comfort of the bed. The two become one. I focus my attention on the breath, the raising and falling away of the breath, again and again. I tell myself, periodically, that I am dreaming. Some thought other than the breathing emerges and I catch it quickly like the Baseball Catcher with his mitt; I discard the ball and wait for the next pitch. Believe me the mind is good at pitching unwanted thoughts; it takes quite awhile for the mind to settle down. Soon, I am aware of that I am looking at a stand of trees and how beautiful they are.

I am dreaming! I am aware of the trees and how they go in and out of focus. It reminds me of looking through my telescope when I was a teenager, adjusting the lens to the right focus. Everything is crystal clear. It seems to be very late in the afternoon; the sun has just gone over the horizon but it is still light of day. I float toward the trees and the next thing I know I am up and away past the trees. I start to go higher but fear grabs me and I hang on. I am afraid I will continue on out into outer space and not get back. I am content to hover over the trees. I go a little higher and realize I am flying over a large city. The city extends in every direction. I have no idea where I am. I am not used to seeing from this perspective. In the distance I see a part of the sky that is dark. I sense a rain drop hit my face and another and another! At a certain point I realize I am losing my grip on the dream and can’t hold on much longer. I forget the spinning technique I was taught.

I awaken and find myself lying on the ground in back of my house. I am lying on the unpaved parking area and feel the grit on my face. Good grief! I have no clothes on! I am lying there completely naked! How did this happen? There are some old newspapers lying nearby. I grab them and quickly wrap them around me at the same time trying to make a dash for my house. There is a chain length fence and no gate opening. What is THIS about? I find a small opening and manage to squeeze through but the newspaper makes it difficult. I get through just as a pickup truck pulls into the drive and parks.
I make my way to the front of the house. It doesn’t occur to me to use the back door.

I step up onto the porch and can hear the television. Someone is up. I seem to know that it is early in the morning AM. Someone opens the door for me. I am standing there embarrassed, but no one says anything. My two room mates just look at me. “Do any of you remember my going out?” “Why yea, about two hours ago,” they say. They grin thinking I must be drunk. I go to my room and see my clothes hanging over the back of my chair.

I awaken to find that I am really home in my bed. What a “thank god” relief that is!
I had experienced a false awakening!