So there's a contest, is there?

#1 - Weird Al
Weird Al Yankovic was running a contest of some sort. I believe it was a puzzle code sort of thing, and he would update a website with new puzzles each day. I tried to work some out, but while I noticed one said Boards of Canada, it didn't seem significant. So I went to his house to get a hot-dog. First door I tried opened to a garage and Weird Al, and I didn't want to be found, so I closed it quickly. Next I found a room where this guy would make me a hot-dog, but I had to not go near this napkin; if I did overly random things would happen.

#2 - Specters
I was in a furniture store. My dad was there, and he was glowing pink, which meant he was a specter. So he tried to grab me and take all the life out of me to this music, but I escaped and got in a white car. But as I drove off, the specter came to the window and latched onto the car. At one point it reached for me again but I distracted it somehow and got away.

Now it was nighttime and I came to a city. Above the city were all these colourful shapes from buildings - a synesthesite's view on the busyness of it.
Outside a movie theater, I encountered more specters, but I ran away this time. I encountered a relative and told her that my family was all specters and they were trying to kill me. So she gave me a bottle of beer. I kept running up the hill, and eventually I was cornered in an alleyway by them. So I threw the bottle of beer, and it just exploded without making a sound or impact. Everyone was rather astonished by the fact there was barely a drop of liquid from a full beer bottle, and I took advantage of the distraction to grab something and hit one of the specters over the head.