Last night, I remember'd my dream after not remembering forever. Right when I woke up I wrote it down: I dreamt I went on a trip w/ mom & grandma, wade too. But I didn't like the fact they slept in and so these two other kids, 1 guy and 1 girl let me hang w/ them and I wanted to take a shower with the girl but she said if he wasnt going to get in then she wasn't [going to]. The girl had the face of Daniel's(one of my friend's) cousin, Rachel but a different body. Before all that I dreamt the cupboard had 3 different kinds of Lucky Charms: Original, Chocolate and Strawberry. I noticed I'm obsessed with the idea of having sex when I dream. And also, I remember flipping my mother off at one time during the dream. When I woke up in the house, I remember being pissed...

And thats all I wrote just after waking up.