
I have been continuing my downward trend in dream recall the past view weeks. I still can remember the main point of the dreams but I'm starting to lose sight of the details. Hopefully this will be some sort of help. Last night's dream was boring. I went to bed around 11:45 and had about an hour long trance like state of deep thought, like usual, this is hard to describe but your entire body becomes almost magnetized to the bed and somehow everything becomes darker then really is imagineable (or possible). This is more of a hallucination then a dream and I usually just contemplate things during this period. Eventually (probably by 1) I was actually dreaming.

Now I can't seem to recall exactly what was going through my head but I know I was lucid (I am a natural dreamer), but I for decided to follow the "script" of the dream instead of have fun. So I am downtown (it was odd, it was the downtown of my toronto suburb mixed together with parts of down town toronto) with my girlfriend eating at some cafe. We begin to walk down towards the lake. There is a construction crew on the side of the road working on something and they begin hounding us to donate to some charity. We politely decline and continue our walk, only to be met a few blocks later by the same two construction workers.

Now these guys show up regularly in my dream and I have no idea who they are. They are the antagonists of the dreams always as well. One is tall (6'5?) with dark hair and a very light brown skin (middle eastern probably), he never talks, just stares, he has a stubbley beard that looks like it's been a few days since he's shaven. The other is shorter (5'5) with blonde hair and medium or pale skin colour, also with a stubely beard. He is usually the one who does the talking.

Anyway back to the dream. So we decline again. I keep getting bad feelings from these guys, now I'm perfectly aware I'm dreaming but I want to find out what the hell my brain is trying to tell me so I continue on. We see them again for a third time, this time the blonde guy gets into my girlfriends face. I completely lose it on him. This is totally unlike me, in real life I rarely lose my temper in large amounts like that I am much calmer in tense situations. Anyways he backs off and the two guys give me a snicker, the construction crew disappears.

We have now made it to the lake (which is just across the street from the cafe we were eating at in real life). We meet up with a friend of mine who tells us my other friend's band is playing in the park. I wake up.

I have a wierd feeling about the two guys, I hate when they show up in my dreams. I almost always have a bad day or something bad happens when they show up in a dream. I have no idea who they are.