Seeing as how all of my lucids are DILDs I've gotta start using a DJ so I can start recognizing things in dreams, so here goes.

Happened two nights ago, wasn't lucid but I thought it was cool.

By the way, I'm a bit of an anime fan so you may spot some things that were influnced by Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagaan and Vandread.

Dream started out with an invasion from a high tech army on my base. World seemed plague ridden and apocolytic and was covered in thick smoke. My base is up agains a cliff with the buildings built into it, and in the distance you can make out what appears to be a tower. The invading units seemed to be mecha and advanced fighter jets, whereas we were defending ourselves only with jets. I'm one of the better pilots of the planes.

Cue flashback. I see what appears to be an explosion in the tower, and the smoke that covers the planet spreads out from it.

Cue another flashback. The world isn't plagued with smoke anymore, however there isn't much to see other then barren plains. I'm getting into my jet, which is pretty damn compact for a jet, to the point where it would be impossible to use, it was red, and it had a drill on the front(Hence being influenced by Gurren Lagaan). I'm about to head out for some reason, and someone from the opposing army shows up and we fight. From the way we speak, I figure that we both used to be friends before we were split into the different factions. He is piloting a jet of regular size, and before we fight he insults me for a while saying things along the lines of I can't beat him, and we fight. I fly over and drill directly into the nose of his jet, though my drill doesn't break through his plane. He says something like 'I told you you couldn't beat me' and I get a message from my base to tell me to stop screwing around so I tilt my set up, fly above him and drop some sort of bomb on him. This does damage, pisses him off and we get into a serious dogfight. After a while I get a bit battle crazy so I fire a lazer from my cockpit through the window, into his cockpit and hit him. He tells me not to use cheap tricks and fires back at me, taking off my finger.

Now, let's digress for a moment. I have a feeling that the tower I described earlier was some sort of generator and a source of a insane amount of power, so you might understand the next part a little bit more.

In the middle of the battle, The tower starts to glow. A " \ " shaped crack appears at it's base and it slides off it's foundations, and it's now spear-like bottom stabs into the ground, the tower still upright. The battle ceases, and we fly off a ways to be able to view from a distance. Because we were closer to my base then theirs I flew down along the cliff and saw and abandoned building, and my mind thought it was appropriete to say "That must be where the furries live."(?) I can't quite remember how it started off, but the tower became sentient and started to talk in a big, booming voice that could be heard by all, eventually telling us it could give us great power. It used this as a metaphor for the power it could give us, which doesn't make much since now: "I could give you enough power to reach down into the nest and pull out the tiniest insect." If I knew more about the setting I might have understood that, but anyways. It asks my opponent if it wants this power, and says that with it he could defeat me. He replies, 'Well, yeah kinda' and as the tower is about to grant this power he yells out 'Wait! Nevermind!'. He asks me, I refuse, it starts to glow with more power, and then I wake up. I'm guessing that after that it released it's power in the form of the smoke that I saw in the beginning of the dream.