This dream imo was incredibly awesome
I was in some hotel, and in some orchestra. I played some wooden straw thingy. We played a bit (dont remember that part really) but i do remember getting to the concert. It was a huge hotel, and i was following the rest of the band in a line, I was behind my friends Kelsey and Dan. Somewhere after this, some bad guy went out of the room and told me something about love doesnt work or something. I remembered Mary.
Suddenly, I sorta had a false awakening. I woke up, in a shower. I must be dreaming I thought, heck I dont remember getting in the shower. I did an RC, but it didnt work that good, so i figured I wasnt dreaming. I bounced my head off the wall there to see what would happen. My head bounced off the wall like rubber. I concluded that I was not dreaming (i guess i shouldve realized that bouncing my head off a wall would hurt, but it didnt ) I hopped outta thw shower and put some clothes on. I realized that I had the same shirt on as yesterday, and I hoped my mom wouldnt find out lol.
Then I woke up for real