June 10, 2008

So in the dream I am a little girl. I have blonde hair, pigtails, and these big sad green eyes. I am wearing a white dress. I am on a grassy field surrounded by other kids running around and playing with each other. The sky is a beautiful bright blue with just a sprinkling of clouds and the mountains are visible in the distance.

It is like I am ice-skating without any ice or skates. I am gliding around on the grass doing turns and jumps effortlessly. Then I stop because I almost trip over a bottle lying on the ground. I pick it up and throw it towards a trashcan. I miss and it hits the wall behind the trashcan and shatters. Instead of shards of glass it becomes yen, Japanese coins. As they land on the grass they melt into little puddles of metal.

Then all of a sudden the sky turns red and it starts raining coins. I run and hide under a tree for shelter and watch as everything gets coated in metal. When the rain stops and the sky turns gray I step out and take a look at everything. Every inch of everything has been transformed even the mountains. I turn back to look at the tree I had been standing under and watch as it bends under the weight of all that metal and snaps in half. I am appalled by all of this.

Then to make matters worse people start emerging, but they are also covered in metal and their movements are very robotic. I start backing up back towards the tree, but I turn around to find where the trunk and roots had been is now a gaping hole. I feel like I don’t know where to turn then a giant platypus crawls out of the hole.

The end.

The setting of the scene is utopic at first. It seems to say that somehow, I am trying to do the right thing, but I still feel as if I am failing. I feel as though I am ruining this unfamiliar perfection. The dream also seems to stipulate that I feel as though my seemingly innocent action is negatively affecting others by limiting and recreating them. Maybe I am afraid to ruin things without meaning to?