I have just discovered this web-site so if i am doing anything wrong please tell me.

i had this dream last night...
me and my family were having a party everything was normal and then i go to the back yard to get some butter. and in the backyard where the butter is, is a raccoon in our hot tub, and he is eating a loaf of french bread. so i get my shovel thats full of butter and i try to scare the raccoon away. but after a few seconds of this the raccoon stand up and turns into a big brow grizzly bear. so i run back to the party and tell everyone that there was a bear in our hot tub. then they just ignored me and then the bear came right through the doors. but then the bear was acting real friendly . so we take some pictures, get some drinks and enjoy the party.

and im sure i remember something about a black and red car