• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2009

      Jasimp's Originally Named Dream Journal

      Hi DV community!! I've been lurking on the site for quite awhile now, and recently decided to start keeping a dream journal. I've wanted to lucid dream since...forever but I've never been very motivated to do it. Since I have a couple of weeks of free time I thought I'd start. Happy dreaming!!!!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2009
      First Entry!!! (Non-lucid)


      Slept from 11:20pm - 3:50am. Woke up from alarm. As I collected my dream I fell back asleep.
      Slept from 3:51am - 5:32am. Woke up, most likely from auto-suggestion. The dream I had in the first block of time carried over into the next block, with almost no break in the dream. Possible false awakening, although I believe it was real.

      I'm in an unfamiliar building [no idea why I'm here, don't notice that "in-dream"] and I'm with a bunch of people. We're walking around watching different presentations. One guy is talking about blowing up your house for insurance money. We continued on and come across two people, one guy and one girl, talking about creating an EMP. They have 2 metal rods with handles on the ends with a button. When they press the button a continuous, small 'bolt' of electricity comes out. They put the 2 metal ends near each other and the 2 'bolts' become one larger one. Then they pull them apart and a ZAP startles me. I ask if that is the EMP. The girl tells me no. [This is the larges break in continuity, so it's probably right about when I wake up at 3:50] Now it is time to go to the main event, in a large auditorium. As I walked into the auditorium I notice all my stuff is in there and unpacked, and we have to leave at the end of the presentation. [In the dream there was enough clothing for about a few days. I was only there for a few hours. Maybe the awakening at 3:50 and falling asleep a minute later took a few days in "dream-time"? Or it could just be the irrationality of the brain whilst dreaming.] I don't think I'll have enough time to pack after the presentation, so I go behind the curtain on stage to pack. Everyone is talking at once, and then the announcer introduces the people giving the presentation/show. The people doing the show sat down on the edge of the stage and started their comedy act. I listened as I packed. The packing is taking forever. People are starting to leave to go home, and I'm still packing it all to go. There is a giant pile of stuff, that seems to be growing bigger, in the middle of the floor. I find a pair of sheets, a Rubik's cube, a coin collection. It can't have taken long to find all this stuff, but it feels like it's been hours. I get up and look out into the hallway, Jebron [A subsitute teacher I've had twice] is talking to both of my parents. Relieved that I haven't been forgotten I go back in to finalize everything. A few shirts appear in the pile but now I'm ready to leave, right before I walk out I remember I forgot my dream journal. [Not even one entry and it's making an appearence in my dreams. Could be a great dream sign if it appears again.] I run over to my bed [which interestingly enough is an exact replica of my real bed, complete with bookcase headboard, and all the same books.] and look under the pillow. Then I glance to the side of the bed and see it laying there. I pick it up and run out into the hallway. The halllway is dark, the only light coming from the room I was just in and a stairwell at the end of the hallway. I walk down the stairs and out onto a parking lot, where a lot of people are putting their suitcases into their vehicles. I look around and see Leo [An friend of mine] he's helping someone put their stuff away. We give each other a hug and say hello. I look behind me the giant parking lot curves away to the right, and my sister is running towards me, with my mom not far behind. I give them each a hug...and the dream ends.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2009
      Party and Games (Non-lucid)


      Woke up at 3:55 am because I fell asleep with the TV on. I set my alarm to 6:30 then went back to sleep.

      My grandparents are hosting some sort of party. They are living in a housing development that a group of us decide to explore while we wait for the food to be ready. As we go into another house my clothes just disappear. I hide in a corner, while an adult talks to the other kids in my group. When she is gone I run back to my grandparents house, and now I am wearing clothes. [Here the dream becomes kind of hazy, most likely because its another really long one, and I woke up in the middle of it.] We go back to my grandparents house, and have a huge meal with a lot of people. I talk to my grandmother about something having to do with light and orange trees, there is a really old man, my grandfather and my dad sitting at our table. Eventuallly a breadbased dessert is brought out. [Again the dream becomes hazy. I'm pretty sure this is where I wake up for less than a minute, due to the alarm I set earlier.] Now we are going somewhere, a competition, and I am driving. There is a large hill in the road, with a cop at the end directing me to the left. Suddenly I'm driving on a rickety rope bridge. My mother quickly switches seats with me, taking over in this situtation. Now we are walking on this rope bridge. It becomes clogged with people at times, and the very old man from before falls on me too. We finally get to the competition, just in time to see the final match. Our team, the blue team wins. As my friends and I go back to their dorm style rooms we are given a verbal assualt from the ornage team, who placed third. I walk down a hallway in the residence hall with Andrew, we take a connecting hallway to another main one and end up in a common room. There money is passed out to the winning team. I force Andrew to let me search his bag to make sure he didn't take more than his fair share. I look at some stuff at the bottom of his bag. No money.

      Another pretty boring dream lol. I'm hoping I'll have some interesting dreams soon. If I'm really good maybe a lucid one too

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Aug 2009
      Two nights in a row of not remembering my dreams. Might have something to do with falling asleep with TV on...


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