• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Lurker bellinghambandit's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2008

      Bellinghambandit's, more than just a dream journal, journal

      A couple days ago I started to keep a journal, dream/meditation/thoughts/anything journal. I have decided to post a digital copy of it on Dreamviews.com. Dreams will be in normal font, lucids will be bold, and other stuff will be italic.

      I hope my journal is interesting, I hope it leads to self discovery, and most importantly I hope it holds truths that are of value to my life and others alike.


      p.s. comments are always welcomed
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    2. #2
      Lurker bellinghambandit's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2008

      Plane Crash With My Mexican Roommates (Dream)

      Dec 22, 2008

      I had a dream last night that I was in a plane crash. The dream began with me in a small jet plane taxing before takeoff. When the plane started speeding up for takeoff the landscape of the tarmac shifted and changed. The pathway for the plane resembled trails of Cowiche Canyon (there are bike trails on the top of the canyon). The plane would have just enough speed to catch just enough lift to come off of a bump, be airborne for a second and then, the plan would return to the ground. The pilot came over the loudspeaker, "Well I believe we have just enough speed to fling over this cliff edge and fly away, rather than waiting to gain enough speed to take off normally." And so there the plane went, over the edge, with the pilot, myself and my roommates. We went gliding down towards a valley floor with increasing velocity. The plane just started to straightened out at the moment before we crash landed into a hill of dirt and wild plants. The pilot is dead. And me being the guy who always wants to fix something ran up into the cockpit and tried to back the plane out of the crash and have a go at a second take off. With some help from a roommate (Faces are vague in this dream) I abandon this horrible idea. Now I'm at the rear of the plane trying to steal a plasma television from first class, a different roommate points out that the plane is equipped with closed circuit security cameras. Now my Mexican roommates and I step out and try to plot how to return home. This is were the dream ends and let me note than none of my current roommates are Mexican, but in my dream they were.

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