Hai all,

This will be my dream journal.

First ill post my first ever LD (that I can remember ).

Approximately 5~7 Years ago:
It started at a empty road that seemed to be some small kind of highway. I was rollerskating really fast when i suddenly thought "Hey, where are all the cars? And where am I?"(became lucid). Then i realized it was a dream. I continued rollerskating because i liked it (or i didn't knew how to do something else). Then I suddenly was in a bar/restaurant with a lower-school mate of mine and his mom. I was talking to his mom while he was getting a drink or something.

Thats all i can remember. Well i did knew where the kind of highway was although i was never been there before that dream.

Over the last years i think i had 6 to 10 LD's i cant really remember what they where about, only that the most of them had to do with games.

Yesterday i found this forum, but it was kind of late and i was tired so i didn't register, but i was thinking about LD's.

So this morning i woke up and slammed my alarm-clock to snooze for 9 minutes (Well i thought i did that..). Then i had a lucid dream

19 Jan. 2009 7:00~7:45
I found myself at a crosspoint i cycle past when i go to school. I was crossing the street there when i entered a room that wasn't there before i entered it. In the room i was putting on special shoes to go ride my friend's scooter. Suddenly i realized that you don't need special shoes to ride a scooter(became lucid), especially because it where ice-skates (no I didn't read the TOTM yes ). Then my mom came in (or already was there) and asked me if i already had cartridges for my printer. I did not so i started looking for them. Halfway through the first box of cartridges 2~4 girls came in and asked if i had cartridges for their printers. I told them that i was looking for cartridges for my own printer first. Then my mom woke me up because i have to got to school at 8:00

This was it for now, ill update it as soon as i have another LD or an interesting dream.
