This is what I remember of my dream last night, or rather early this morning. The first thing I recall is I overheard my husband talking on the phone a few times to someone about moving in on such and such a date, and then "one-day" he says he is moving out. And so he does. The kids are confused as am I. The thing that strikes me most is that in the dream I was emotionless upon hearing that and by the time it sunk in I was starting to actually enjoy that idea. I remember I kept telling myself it wasn't the end of the world- or my life- and that many interesting and exciting things could come into my life because of this. In actuality I was appalled with myself. I kept wanting make my dream self take some action but I couldn't. In real life when my husband came home from work in the middle of the night he kissed me on the cheek while I slept then I was able to realise I was dreaming and then take control of this dream. He had already moved out and I had already moved on at this point in the dream but I made myself ask him out on a date. And then we started dating and finally got back together after a few dates and he said something to the effect of "I was just testing to make sure you really loved me." What a jerk, eh?