I've been jotting down what i can remember onto my phone for a while now and thought its about time i upload them sorry the 2nd ones a bit long.

Record 1
I remember being at my friends place and him shouting at me to go home which isnt much different so I started walking and next thing i knew i was at the bottom of my street. Started to climb up it (i live on a steep hill) and notice alot of figures around me not doing I ignore this and keep walking and I turn back and seem to notice they have disfigured faces and are green and are chasing me in a sort of stumble so im labeling them zombies, I make it to my house and my mum is standing at front door being attacked make my way to the back door. Last thing I remember before I woke up.

Record 2
I find myself sitting in a chair in a remodeled version of my mates old place as what appears to be a waiting room. I look over and see a child version of myself with some lady, Then some large man grabs the child me by the cuff of the shirt and yelling. The woman looks terrified and starts warning the man, He ignores her and picks the child me up and starts violently shaking him. All of the sudden the young me outbursts and starts beating the man up and throwing tables and chairs with super human strength breaking walls and knocking me down in the process. I look up and notice its suddenly night time and theres military figures everywhere, I get up and run like theres no tommorow past my house thinking they will look for me there and some how end up onto the main streets. Theres now lightning flying through the sky, I turn back and notice a few soldiers in a military jeep roaring up the street on the other side. I start sprinting and turn into a side street then look at a house and think to myself they're gonna come through the car port next thing the jeep flies through and impales me. I woke up in a similar position to what the car hit me which still scares me now.