When i was much younger, i was takein ill, and had a fever i was in my mums room sleeping and she was beside me making sure i was ok ( AS MOTHERS DO!) I was finaly sleeping after much anguish and pain, which must of been a relief or maby Exhaustion on my part of being ill. but one thing i can still to this day remember is bee's and i mean bee's these things are everywhere!! there is a swarm of them around me, from what my mum told me i woke abruptly and was thrashing around like mad! all i remember is the bee's!

I had a dream similar to that some time ago but did not awake,the bee's just dissapeared! and i was confronted with an garden of eden seen and then onto a waterfall, which i walked through, much is hazey after this but im sure it was me who changed that! because in the first place its me who wanted the bee's to be gone and they were! Was it really me? a LD maby!? did i make my chilhood traumer gone, now i am older and can control them? will i be able to do the same with my other childhood dreams?!?