This is my dream journal online, I'll start with something I just had recently. In this dream, I wasn't lucid.

I somehow found myself in a room with a dim red light. I went the next room which was dark and there was a enormous fierce turtle. I tried to pass it but it started attacking me. I found myself with a sword and trying to kill it, but its hard shell wouldn't break. I ran back to the room where I started at and locked the door.

Their was another door but it seemed it couldn't close, it just kept opening. I went in and their were two showers. I saw a type of animal but I forgot what it was. In the room, there was still dim red light. I went to look in the second shower but it started attacking me and I ran back and had to hold the door because it wouldn't close.

It stopped after a while and turned on the second shower and I saw it was cleaning itself. I went back in and turned on the first shower and I started cleaning my dirty feet. It saw me and started growling but I ignored it. It became curious and started walking toward me and it lied down on the bath tubs rim. I pet it and we became friends and it even showed me its baby. Together, we went to the turtle and it explained to the turtle and it stopped attacking me.

I went to the next room and there was a jellyfish looking monster and it used its tentacles to stand up. It had very thick tentacles, looked very slimy, and changed colors all over. I tried killing it but it kept regenerating so I went back to the animals.

Suddenly, all the walls were replaced with stone walls with barbed wires, the roof was gone, this enclosure connected all 3 rooms. A dream character popped up and said, "To escape, you either have to kill that thing, (jellyfish monster) or you could go up that tower." He pointed to pathway that led to a long tower that looked like the eiffel tower. I said, "Does the tower have ladders going up it, like part of the tower." He nodded and I started up the pathway.

Too bad I woke up. Hopefully, I'll meet my animal buddies again.