Ive always wondered why i have remembered these two dreams from elementary school, from about 8 to 10 yrs old. they have always been very clear in my mind, and were always sort of eerie to me:

The first was in 3rd grade i think. I had a favorite coat back then that I wore every day. It appeared in my dream one night, where I was walking sort of boldly through a dim, dead forest, sort of like a massive apple orchard. Now that I am older, I would refer to the setting as almost sort of post apocolyptic. Ahead of me, the forest ended, and instead a vast landscape of dirt and gravel piled up to aboutthe same height as my shoulders, which at that time would have been around 4 feet im guessing. At the base of the mound nearest me was a rock. It had streaks of lightning and electricity slithering around it like a snake might. Like i said, I had sort of a defiant, bold feeling about myself, and the rock made me angry. Feeling an adrenaline rush I lifted my snowboot fitted foot and stomped on the rock feircly. At that moment the big gravely, mostly dirt filled landscape infront of me began to shift and roll like waves on a stormy ocean. The shape of a giant man formed from it and he picked me up, me terrified, placing me atop his head (he wore a crown, so it was like I was sitting at the top of a castle tower.) he was not a good creature, but he did me no harm. Instead we just started walking off into the horizon, where i could see several other "giants" being born from the seemingly liquified mounds of gravel.

The second was a few years later. I was on a beach made of orange sand. It was like being in the middle of a big desert of very fine orange sand, with really big dunes all around, but having an ocean right there next to me. It was sunsettish the whole time, and the whole seen was very mystique and pretty. Me and my mother and my aunt (who was my aunt to me in every single way, except that this aunt in my dream looked nothing like the one she represented) were walking along a small bay/inlet thing where the water was very calm. There was a little old dock jutting out from the sand into the water, and across the 50 yard bay was a nice looking dune. Further down from the dock was a weathered beach house, where we were staying. We went inside, my mom and "aunt" chatting and having a good time, but somewhat neglecting me. I fiddled around with some things in the house, which was full of old pictures and cosmetology products (?), which were littered all over the place. I went outside, a bit frustrated with my mom, to the dock. There I found crisp, unsealed envelope floating in the shallow water. I picked it up and inside was a thick gold coin with the imprinted image of a guy who looked like a very fat Monopoly Man. I took my find inside to show the two ladies and they got very excited about it.
"You've found that girls leg!" my mom told me very seriously, my aunt excitedly nodding her head in approval. She showed me a picture she grabbed from a nearby table. It was young girl, aged 10 to 12, on the beach of the dune across the small bay from us, picking up something, and wearing a huge flourescent orange back pack. My mother babbled on about how a creature got her recently, and this "leg" I had found was key to finding her.
So we ran out into the bay, which was only around 3 feet deep, but still we swam to get across. once there, we easily spotted the huge backpack laying about twenty feet away from us. I picked it up, and no sooner did a rather comical looking middle aged couple drive up in a golf cart, obviously agitated about something.
"We're trying to find our daughter!" the man snapped, and kept driving.
"hey, I found her leg and her backpack!" i yelled, but he shook his head and kept driving away.
suddenly my aunt and mom got very scared about something and jumped in the water, swimming for their lives back to our dock.
"SWIM!" my mom screamed. I frantically tried but found that my limbs were too heavy. I knew why they were scared. It was the creature, who's name is to strange to say. He was in the water. My hand hit something sharp, and i picked it up in my struggle. it was a metal sighn with a chain that said somehting like BEWARE OF ______ (like i said, the name was practically inaudible). As i started to drown in this 3 foot deep water, a creature that looked like E. T. stood up out of the water, wearing a lifguard suit. He had huge blue eyes and was kind of puppettish.
"Just help me" I growled at him, still drowning, frustrated that he was only watching me.
"I am, I am" he replied reluctantly. But rather than save me, he pushed my head underwater, killing me. My hands frantically reached for the surface of th water, and i awoke from my dream, hands in the air.