It seems like the majority of dreams I have give me the feeling that I'm either playing, or in some kind of game, usually a videogame. Even if the dream seems completely random, I can usually link SOME kind of game I've played or heard about to it. The only (very weak) lucid dream I have ever had, a long time ago, also gave me this feeling. Could it be a dream sign?

And if it is, how could I perform reality checks in the real world like this? It seems most dreams have me INSIDE the game, rather than playing it. Should I just perform reality checks on things I do more often daily (such as using the computer, waking up, going to classes)?

And a little off topic question:
About how long does it take the average person to start having lucid dreams after coming here and starting a dream journal/performing reality checks?

Thanks ahead of time.

Edit: Oh, and since I have this topic, I suppose I'll ask in here. A lot of the methods with dream recall and going lucid involve imagining things or mentally repeating things to yourself before you go to sleep, but I can't do this. If I do, it keeps me up until I finally stop and let my mind wander. Is there any way around this?