Some time ago I started calling for guides in lucid dreams. Not necassarily "spirit" but just a guide. Usually when I call for something nothing obvious happens, but in this situation (just by calling) these things happen.

1) The current dream dies (though I might come back to it later)
2) I'm flying formless though a tunnel, either with black or patterned edges.
3) Text about deep things like "you are god", "god is you", "this is god" appears in front of my vision, which is hust a cue to make me think something amazing is going on.
4) I possess a different body (of either gender) either in or at the end of the tunnel, always looking to the back of it's head.
5) I end up in a new dream, lucid and usually I will ask other DCs where to find a guide and meet him/her.

No actual progress has been made with guides. I gave up because I could not remember what I had been told . The point is when any of these signs happen I can always be assured I am supposed to see a guide and I become lucid, even if I have been "summoned" from any odd dream. It has happened a few times to me, I just think the signs are a bit over te top .
They do not thrill me though... it is very hard for me to be thrilled in a lucid dream. Why... why am I never amazed!? <whines helplessley>.

Anywho, does anyone else have such strange signs for meeting with a guide or otherwise?