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    1. #1
      Member Rare's Avatar
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      Ignoring Dreamsigns

      I've been going through this phase where there will be an obvious dreamsign and I will acknowledge in my head, "yes I am dreaming", but I will just continue on with the dream instead of becoming lucid.

      Could there be some part of myself ignoring the acknowledgement of the dreamsign or, did I just not want to become lucid at that point and so it didn't happen even though I realized I was in a dream?

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      many thanks, all.
      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

      -Eddeon, Avatar of the Balance

    2. #2
      imj is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Rare View Post
      I've been going through this phase where there will be an obvious dreamsign and I will acknowledge in my head, "yes I am dreaming", but I will just continue on with the dream instead of becoming lucid.

      Could there be some part of myself ignoring the acknowledgement of the dreamsign or, did I just not want to become lucid at that point and so it didn't happen even though I realized I was in a dream?

      <input appreciate>

      many thanks, all.
      Hi, my guess is that U were too tired to become lucid...:p.


    3. #3
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      You're realising you're dreaming and so therefore do become lucid, but you are having such a low level of lucidity that you actually forget about it almost immediately.
      If you have any control over the dream, then next time you spot a dreamsign just stop and do a reality check straight away. This should confirm you're belief that you are dreaming which in turn should allow you to become fully lucid.
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    4. #4
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Try going to bed with one lucid goal on your mind. Really focus on it as you go to sleep. I find this really helps me. So when I become lucid I immediately become focused on doing that task. Ususally at that point my dream "resets" --everything that was previously happening goes away and I begin my lucid dream.

    5. #5
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      As soon as you realize that it's a dream immediately stop what you are doing. You have very very limited dream memory (you usually can't remember back more than a few seconds. So if you keep doing a task then a few seconds later you will forget that you became lucid. Repeat "I'm dreaming" a few times and remember what that means each time.

    6. #6
      Technique Warrior CrimsonWolf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Try going to bed with one lucid goal on your mind. Really focus on it as you go to sleep. I find this really helps me. So when I become lucid I immediately become focused on doing that task. Ususally at that point my dream "resets" --everything that was previously happening goes away and I begin my lucid dream.
      Yup, agreed. Having a set goal can make a big difference. Try telling yourself out loud before sleeping what you want to do in your dream.

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    7. #7
      Member Rare's Avatar
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      thanks everyone for the response! I think that actively performing RC's would be a good start. It's still something that I have not gotten into a regular habit of....

      Also, I never considered the short-term-ness of dream memory, but that makes sense... It does seem like I am realizing it, not acting on it, and then forgetting about it.

      I actually had a decent DILD the other night, and now I am confident that it can be more than just a semi-random thing...

      <3 DV

      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

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    8. #8
      mez is offline
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      goal setting is key here. so is reality checking and you can solve your problem with a combination of both.

      When you reality check while awake... do your reality check and ascertain that you are awake. Close your eyes and do a second reality check visualizing your current setting and pretend your dreaming... now do this "virtual" reality check (and it will fail) and become lucid... now the key thing here is once lucid execute a GOAL... this could be anything from flying to summoning something, whatever you want... but you must do it. Once you have executed the goal just snap out of it and go about your daily life again. Repeat this process every time you reality check.

      This will prime your subconscious mind (which is a goal-striving mechanism) to go after the goal you set in the second reality check. This helps you become lucid easier because in order to acheive that goal you must become lucid so your subconscious aids you in doing this too.

      This is what I call an EFFECTIVE reality check.
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    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by mez View Post
      When you reality check while awake...

      Wait, wait wait.... I should be doing reality checks while awake?
      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

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    10. #10
      mez is offline
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      the whole point of reality checking is to do it so that it becomes HABITUAL. How can you expect to make a habit of something you never do? Of course you're supposed to do it while you're awake... in fact most of your reality checks will occur while you are awake.
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    11. #11
      n00b unseen wombat's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by mez View Post
      goal setting is key here. so is reality checking and you can solve your problem with a combination of both.

      When you reality check while awake... do your reality check and ascertain that you are awake. Close your eyes and do a second reality check visualizing your current setting and pretend your dreaming... now do this "virtual" reality check (and it will fail) and become lucid... now the key thing here is once lucid execute a GOAL... this could be anything from flying to summoning something, whatever you want... but you must do it. Once you have executed the goal just snap out of it and go about your daily life again. Repeat this process every time you reality check.

      This will prime your subconscious mind (which is a goal-striving mechanism) to go after the goal you set in the second reality check. This helps you become lucid easier because in order to acheive that goal you must become lucid so your subconscious aids you in doing this too.

      This is what I call an EFFECTIVE reality check.
      This is a great post. And that's a spectacular idea. I'm going to try it.
      In dreams of unspeakable joy—of restored friendships; of revived embraces; of love which said it had never died; of faces that had vanished long ago, yet said with smiling lips that they knew nothing of the grave; of pardons implored, and granted with such bursting floods of love, that I was almost glad I had sinned—thus I passed through this wondrous twilight. —George MacDonald
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    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by mez View Post
      the whole point of reality checking is to do it so that it becomes HABITUAL. How can you expect to make a habit of something you never do? Of course you're supposed to do it while you're awake... in fact most of your reality checks will occur while you are awake.
      I see. Well that makes more sense now. I was under the impression that a reality check was just something that you should do after noticing a dreamsign or during a string of FA's to ensure that you are either awake or not.

      I understand now how getting into the habit of reality checks would cause the mind to naturally attempt to do a RC in a dream resulting essentially in a self created dreamsign.

      thanks mez!!

      edit** yay 100th post!!
      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

      -Eddeon, Avatar of the Balance

    13. #13
      Dark Flapper Barns's Avatar
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      One good tip:

      Try to choose a reality check which doesn't make you look like a goofball.
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    14. #14
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      lol yah i was just thinking of something like that... I am sure if I ran around plugging my nose and trying to breath every couple of hours people would start to notice...
      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

      -Eddeon, Avatar of the Balance

    15. #15
      mez is offline
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      actually i find the reality check of holding my nose and trying to breathe can be performed without anyone noticing. These things can be performed covertly with subtlety you know! haha.
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    16. #16
      Curator of Dreamworld Schneiderr's Avatar
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      Mez, your RC method sounds great. I was wondering if this type of reality check would work, because I haven't been doing what you called "effective" reality checks, but I've been writing IAD (I am dreaming) in sharpie on my left hand, and I haven't noticed it in my dream yet, but is that just me not doing reality checks enough? Cause it seems like it would work
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    17. #17
      mez is offline
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      Well you can just start adding in the second part. You could wear a small bracelet of some sort that says "i am dreaming" or something to that effect on it too.
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    18. #18
      infrequent poster, DC Desert Claw's Avatar
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      I do that all the time!
      maybe you aren't concious enough to become lucid?

    19. #19
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      hrms, happened again last night. Dreams have been pretty good recently, and I had a decent lucid dream prior, but started in one dream last night and it just didn't go to well.

      Missed like a million dreamsigns and didn't do a reality check. It would have been nice to have done one though because I really didn't enjoy the dream to much and it just went on and on an on.

      Maybe it was because I had just waken up from a lucid dream or something... strange... might try increasing my reality checks throughout the day.

      Is it best to keep to a single reality check, or would alternating between two different ones be something to try?
      "“Evil? Good? These are merely words. In the eyes of the universe neither of those exist. There are only three elements, that act as a base for all that you see around. There is Light. There is Dark. And there is the balance between those two. Good and Evil are concepts,used to deny oneself from serving the balance. By serving, you participate in the great creation."

      -Eddeon, Avatar of the Balance

    20. #20
      Member photodreamer's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Chris182t View Post
      You're realising you're dreaming and so therefore do become lucid, but you are having such a low level of lucidity that you actually forget about it almost immediately.
      This is effed but just reading this, I remembered the same thing happening to me last night. Is that possible? Last night was the first night I tried to LD.


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