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    1. #1
      Aspiring Lucidist Mriceguy's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2009
      New Zealand

      My dreams are too boring!

      I don't seem to have anything like purple cats or giant rabbits! I would've thought with all the science fiction I'm into at least some real weird stuff would crop up, but no!

      I had 8 dreams last night. It was the first time that I had set my alarm to wake me up several times in the night and I managed to write them down. Haven't had dream recall like that in ages!

      One of them had my mother trying to sue me!
      Well I guess when I saw five identical twins in a room, I should've clicked. But still it's nothing compared to the stuff you guys seem to dream about!

      I don't remember trying to use any electrical appliances or seeing any text that I could read. So my problem is I don't have any signs to suggest that it could be a dream. I've being trying the WILD technique but I keep getting distracted and eventually just fall asleep.
      Lucid Dreams: Total(1) WILD(0) DILD(1)
      Dreams Remembered: 13
      running totals since 11/6/09
      Dream Goals:
      Fly[], Lightsaber duel[], Be Spider-man[], Be invisible, Freeze time[], Hang out with U2 for a day[], Turn into a cat[], Practise job interviews[]
      link removed

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jun 2009

      Boring Dreams

      My dreams are boring as well I seem to never do things to wierd and when I do like visit the tallest waterfall in the world (Angel Falls) it seems normal. That is one of the reasons I want to re-learn lucid dreaming. A couple years ago I could on a fairly regular basis keep control of my dreams for a few seconds, but now that I know I can be lucid for a whole dream I want to start again. Any advice is healpful, already started a dream journal.

      P.S. I was calm enough to be lucid for more than a few seconds as I recall once.

      Pro-Found's Dreams

    3. #3
      Member Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mriceguy View Post
      five identical twins
      They would be identical quintuplets, btw.

      I have this problem, too. My dreams have been very normal lately. (at least, those few that I can remember...) I mean, still strange in that I was climbing mount Everest, and that I had a false awakening into a supermarket frozen foods isle, but nothing weird like flying pigs. Is there any way to make dreams more fantastical? Vitamin B? I'd assume that weirder dreams would be more memorable, so it'd be two birds with one stone.

    4. #4
      Member Achievements:
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      omgsh's Avatar
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      My dreams are never ever science fictiony, I have never had a not real thing such as an alien or monster in a dream. The only weird thing i could think of I've dreamt is these tube things that float in lakes and have googly eyes, that you watch movies out of.

      To find a dream sign, keep writing a dream journal and look over it alot and find things that are re occuring, I finally found one today by chance, Its been about 2 months of writing them down, and I just found out.

    5. #5
      Oneironaut JamesLD's Avatar
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      try some melatonin before you go to bed. i usually have pretty boring dreams but when i take melatonin i have some dreams that are out of this world!
      Law abiding citizen by day, breaking the laws of reality by night.
      "How can you be aware that you're dreaming, if you're never aware that you're awake?"


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