
Im quite new into this new world. And although I am very motivated and willing to share as you will see, I take it for REAL, and consequently seriously. Everything started with Castaneda's books some time ago on the Yaki Don Juan. Also, Hermann Hesse - Siddartha intrigated me about the world of dreams. Then I experienced a shortly O-of-BE. Of course, I got more and more interested, mainly on LD, and have been reading since then bits & pieces from José Silva, LaBerge.

Spontaneously I decided to write myself a dream journal. In it I document sequentially:

The reason why I write down what I eat and drink, is that Ive noticed i.e. that by eating something containing sugar shortly before sleeping, I get more conscius during the dream. Hence I remember more clearly what happened. Does it also happen to you*? This also happens with some varieties of Alcohol (also sugarized of course, like shots, or Whisky). If what might be a good technical explanation*?

Another question that arises is whether the position plays an important role with respect to left or right brain functioning*? And that is a question to you neuro-specialists:
Does the wetted brain side ( say i.e. if I am sleeping on my left side, the left brain e.g.) work more actively, while the other one kind of stays offline*?

Back to my experience (2-3 months writing down notes on my dreams),
I am not trying any W, M, or ILD technique. Just, some subliminal music (binaural beats) I have been hearing lately. Thanks to Ninja ´s contributions on Subliminal beats.

About my background behaviour, I must recognize that during the course of my daily life, I try to ask myself a lot of questions, about my procedure on doing things. Why is that there? Why did I do this? What exactly did I answer to that question, etc.?
Following this procedure I have noticed, that I am aware of a lot of things more or less vaguely I do in the dreams, like room spacing and directioning, surrounding landscapes and persons recognition, and thoughts.
An Example could be that in a dream I see a friend doing something strange. I consciously look at him without a word telling him thorugh my face expression, that I wont tell anybody, because its a friend. Is that being lucid? I track this back form the dream, but I donw remember to ask myself whether I was dreaming or not.
Also, I have experience the forum-mentioned sensations about floating, falling. Am I just experiencing vivid dreams and not lucid*?

And what bothers me most, is that sometimes my psycholog. behaviour during the dream reflects my way of thinking in REAL life. But yes, I have sometimes noticed within it, that some things do not belong to the right order, or are physically not correct. Unfortunately, I am not aware of being able to control the dream in some way.

So, long speech, short sense. I dont think I am being lucid, because I never ask myself during the dream If I am aware or not of dreaming. I also tell me quite often I will look at my hands, but it just doesnt come to the point. The trial of getting lucid has been now intensive for around 1 week.

My last question and many thanks in advance to your contribution(s)

How can I become something like the cop & the agent in "Paprika"(ANIME) and
get false awakenings and more importantly be able drive my dreams *?

Look forward to Communication.