• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member cerebusdreamer's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2005

      Dream Recall Statistics

      As I post in my blog...

      Updating my lucid dream quest...

      In the past 8 weeks, including the current one, I recalled 100 dreams, good number! I like statistics and think it's a good way to improve my study of lucid dreaming. Thinking about that I looked in my annotations and saw how many dreams I recalled every day. In the table below you can see the numbers of dreams recalled per week since the begining of my lucid dream study:

      week 4 - 16 (1 lucid)
      week 3 - 12
      week 2 - 16 (3 lucids)
      week 1 - 10

      week 4 - 11 (2 lucids)
      week 3 - 16 (2 lucids)
      week 2 - 12 (1 lucid)
      week 1 - 07

      Week 4 of february will end tomorrow and probably it will be a new record since I started. Just one more dream recalled and I bet it.

      It's good to see the data in this way. As I said in a previous post I thoght I had been passing to a bad dream recalling time, but it's not what the table said to me. So, good news! I'm having a better dream recalling season!!

      And I'm starting to fell a trend about the dream/reality checks. I started to do reality checks without thinking about it. Probably the tons of reality checks that I did in the previous weeks became impressed in my brain. Cool, let's do more tons of reality check! :-)

      The only think that is not soo good it's the lucid dreams. Four lucids in february agains 5 in january. Having 3 more nights to go I still have a chance to tie january.

    2. #2
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003
      The folks over at LD4all have something similar. They keep up with this information in their signatures. Monthly totals, yearly totals. That might be a good place to start.

      For longterm, everyone could post results in this topic as well.

      It looks like you are doing quite well cerebusdreamer, much better that I have been doing this year!
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    3. #3
      Member cerebusdreamer's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2005
      Just for the record:

      Today I wrote my 200th dream journal entry!

      As many others dream journalists, I started to recall dreams that I had months or even years ago; they just appears in the middle of the day or when I was writing in the journal.

      Also my dreams are getting more vivids and I'm seeing the subtle nuances of dreams that I did not get before.

      And when I read old entries is like revive the dreams. It's like seen old pictures and remember the feellings and sensations of that vacation in the last summer.


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