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    1. #1
      Moo nsi dem oons ide kookyinc's Avatar
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      Lucid Dream Recall Tip

      I've only had two lucid dreams, but this tip worked both times.
      You recall dreams best when you wake up during or right after REM, or so I've heard. Thus, both times when I was lucid, I forced myself to wake up during the dream (alas, it was always only 3 minutes after getting lucid because I thought for some reason they could only last that long, but I digress). I did this by, in the dream, closing my eyes as hard as I could, and then thrusting them open with the intent to wake up. And I woke up. Both times, I recalled a great deal about the lucid dreams.

      In conclusion, when lucid, when you feel the dream slipping and you don't wish to continue, or it's been a long time in the dream, close your eyes hard and then open them fast, with the intent to awaken, and you'll wake up.

      Or maybe I'm pointing out the obvious, and that's why it doesn't look like anyone else made this thread.
      I don't usually think, therefore I mostly am not.
      Quote Originally Posted by abicus View Post
      You can not convince the one with faith who needs not look for fact that the facts "prove them wrong".
      Likewise, you cant teach some one who looks for facts to have faith in the absence of facts.

    2. #2
      Wanderer SteadyState's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by kookyinc View Post
      I did this by, in the dream, closing my eyes as hard as I could, and then thrusting them open with the intent to wake up. And I woke up. Both times, I recalled a great deal about the lucid dreams.
      I do this all the time! It's an awesome technique. I've actually been doing it since I was really young when I would have nightmares and would want to get out of them.

      Love this technique, glad someone else knows it
      "It is better to travel well than to arrive." - Buddha

    3. #3
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      Interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind just in case that comes up.

      Thanks for the tip!

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

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