So I was just at my great grandmas house, she is 97 and just had heart surgery. She isvery healthy though and could still drive last year, I am not sure if she still can, I didnt want to ask cause I am sure that is a touchy subject. She has played piano for 93 years and is just amazing. She performs at nursing homes for money and today when she went to the doctors office the doctor walked in, looked at her, and said sorry wrong room and left. His charts said a ninety seven year old lady and he thought that there was just no way she could be that old.

Anyways, point of the story is that today I was going through all her old stuff and discovered a few bins labled national geographic. I pulled them out and opened them, inside the bins there were shelves and on these shelves were every single national geographic magazine printed sincs 1953. It was amzing to look through them all in chronological order and see all of these things that I would learn in a history course, but all first hand. I looked through the 1970 issues and read about the first man ever on the moon! It was just awsome.

She also has a ton of world war two relics like uniforms and hats. On her wall she has a collection of fire extinguishers, and they are all hand pumps. So youo twist hte knob and have to pump the foam out by hand! She has hunderds of signed military documents and just bins and scrapbooks of old photos and newspapers. I looked through the ad section and found ads for things like "two pairs of shorts 20% off---69 cents, buy one get one free"

Does anyone else have any cool colections or stories?