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    Thread: Cartoons and their importance.

    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2007

      Cartoons and their importance.

      Shows like King of the Hill, The Simpsons, South Park, and even Family Guy, never get the kudos they deserve. Many people look at these as being simple humour, sometimes just like smut. The fact is, they explore the human state and in through satire and humour, spread ideas and knowledge. The topics on these shows range from religion to politics to art. The great part is that this outlet it available to millions daily.

      I'll name a few episodes that had an impact on me, but I'd like you to go first.

      Basically pick an episode that had significance to you, and had a strong moral or had depth to it. Whether it's Simpsons tackling religion, or Family Guy leaving you with an impression of "They've got a point there."
      nerve and The Invisible Man like this.

    2. #2
      DuB is offline
      Distinct among snowflakes DuB's Avatar
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      I don't know about the other shows, but South Park certainly deserves some recognition here. Despite its construction-paper cartoon format (or, arguably, precisely because of it), it's actually been one of the most fearless mainstream shows ever in terms of taking on controversial social issues--a few that come readily to mind are gay marriage, Jesus camps, the Somali pirate incident, overmedication of youth, church reform, etc. Obviously the emphasis is on humor, but it doesn't take a very deep analysis to catch the underlying messages being conveyed, most of which are quite responsible. Clearly there are bigger and better places to get such social commentary, but South Park provides it for people who would probably not otherwise seek it, which can't be bad.

      Or maybe I just like the show too much. What do you all think?
      nerve and Kraftwerk like this.

    3. #3
      bleak... nerve's Avatar
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      I think you're both absolutely right and I've thought the same thing for awhile now.

      I didn't know anything about Scientology or the mormans before I saw the South Park episodes on them. I think it was all very true, but I think most people would discredit this information either because of the show it came from, or because they believe you should have "respect" and tolerance for these ridiculous religions (or both).

      of course not every episode of these shows are good either information-wise or humour-wise, but I definitely believe there are good things to learn from a handful of them.

      a few examples: the episode of the Simpsons in which Homer learns he has a crayon lodged in his brain which has been the cause of his stupidity (I think the episode is called "SMRT"?), I found it more moving than funny.

      a couple episodes of KotH I remember effected me, "Night and Deity" (don't remember why on this one) and "Son, also Roses." I learned about the Japanese art of Wabi-sabi in that one, had never heard of it before...it has helped me in art and life in general, because it teaches/believes their is beauty in imperfection.

      South Park has a lot of good episodes, and probably twice as many crummy ones. but the handful of good ones are awesome, informative (and hilarious!). I never really watched the show until a few years ago, and I was surprised that when it came to politics, they made fun of both sides equally. I was used to seeing one-sided political humour, it was either the conservatives are idiots, or the liberals are.

      anyway, I guess I'm retarded for taking these shows seriously at all...but at least I'm not alone? :p
      Kraftwerk likes this.

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    4. #4
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      You speak the truth, satire is one of the best ways for people to learn things that dont interest them. But on the subject of cartoons being valuable, there are a lot more cartoons from japan that do this. Shows such as Monster, Full Metal Alchemist and chobits explore some really deep questions despite the cutesy or action overtone.
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    5. #5
      A Natural The Invisible Man's Avatar
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      Hell yes. I love this OP and its truth.

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    6. #6
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      Hello Friends........

      The cartoons were coded for the presence of the key symbols used in DeMause's analysis. In DeMause's theory, these symbols indicate the presence of conscious or unconscious emotional content in the cartoon



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