I don't see why you shouldn't post it. If some girls get offended by the video, then they probably aren't worth your time anyway.
If they're constantly saying what guys shouldn't expect in a woman if they cannot meet their expectations as well, then yeah, you're right.
But it really does suck having to wait for a person worth our time (for both males and females) because even the ones that do not look worthy right now are just currently jumping on the bandwagon that the other doesn't like.
Most have the right intentions, but how they act them out is something they need to be shifted to the right path.
I guess it's due to a natural selection process, like what she talked about, and the males who weren't as manly and able to provide in harsh times died off, didn't mate, or were lynched. It was crucial that men were strong.
Sometimes I wonder if being a "man" is more than just being able to provide. Because from what I see, younger guys who try to be a "man," it seems that they focus more on not trying to be single-minded when going after a partner rather than just being useful and doing their best to create viable offspring.
Like men naturally aren't that emotional, and that feminism is forcing men to be more like women.
Well, I wouldn't say forcing to be more like women, it can only seem forced if guys are too focused on maintaining the pretentious facade of the "alpha male" or whatever.
I don't think being emotional is an attribute that would usually be redirected towards defining a woman. I think men are just as emotional as women, it's just that during their childhood, they're taught to bottle it up, and those who want them to trap it inside, yes they have a conservative mindset. (and should at least accept the fact that their intentions will not always be passed on)
Why is is that? Maybe it's just the fear that their offspring may not go towards the "acceptable" and "proper" gender, which would make them think that their efforts have gone in vain (for the sake of producing viable offspring and passing on their genes that is).
I think a male can have a feminine side without it being labeled as something that would degrade their invisible "manly-man-macho" composition they have to keep up with.
It's just that people generally think that if men do become "more like women", they'll think of it as them possibly changing their beliefs that defined them on creating viable offspring, rather than thinking that they can accept their feminine side a PART of their whole being rather than incorporating it as another entity they will have to sustain (which would just be another role that they will fail to keep up with).
Instead of trying to keep up with the "manly" status and add some new fad of being "feminine" at the same time (what I meant by that is constantly changing facades to where both do not define their core personality) , they should just accept that it was already a part of them in the first place, it's just that people's influence and the times they were in made those feelings repressed.
This also would make people assume that this would make men weak. But accepting other parts of your whole being that were repressed can make a male (in my opinion) more attractive, stronger, and respected as a potential partner because they can experience the phenomenon of being fragile, courageous, open-minded, charismatic, and even cynical all at once without having to wear a cheap and flaccid facade.
To have a calculated personality (rather than one that's bottled up) that still allows emotions to evolve and come into manifestation.
And the people who have the conservative mindset, it's like have the mindset that human babies from storks (and that won't last long when it's obviously apparent that if people use Humanism as an alternative to dilute the bias, they will have to move past the idea of Feminism as something a male shouldn't incorporate as a part of themselves).
Whether you're for or against men's emotions being respected more, people like to blame feminism for both sides.
I'm for men's emotions being respected more. But at the same time, not emphasizing this to where there isn't an equal balance of respect for males and females.