Anchor Points:
The Spirit of The Planet
The Spirit of The Planet
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."
Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Spiritual Food
Cognitive bias
Transparent Enlightenment
It is a great thing to do small things with great love
Spiritual path
Sharing data,
The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
The Elephant and the Rider
The Spirit of The Planet
Time Will Tell
Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom Central to The Message
Behind The Veil
Reality Given the second-fiddle. Brilliant
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
Music to my ears
Go For It!
Inner Strength
Christian mythology
If I "talk to the Dead" then they must all be living
Intuitive Intelligence
What Is Normal?
Turning Point
William Plays Music
The Spirit of The Planet
Sacral chakra
The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
Everyone: "In space nobody can hear you scream" Saturn: "Hold my beer"
“We're a nation of exhausted and over-stressed adults raising over-scheduled children.”
The Four Human Power Houses Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence Thus team Witch-Wizard would survive the ordeal right the the very end.
Rachel: I ended the last century in a psychiatric hospital, diagnosed with schizophrenia and with little hope for recovery.
Seen as a ‘revolving door patient’ with a severe and enduring mental illness, I lived my label – not my life. I bought into the idea that schizophrenia (and the many other illnesses I was labelled with) were life-long mental illnesses. I accepted that the best I could hope for was to manage my symptoms with life-long psychiatric medication.
Life, I’m glad to say, doesn’t always turn out the way you think.
Through a combination of luck, the kindness of others and my own, not inconsequential, stubborn streak, I have finally ditched the psychiatric labels and see myself as a survivor.
Throwing Down The Gauntlet
The dynamics of consciousness
I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual
Of The Human Being
Anchors aweigh
What is the situation we have here
That will come out in the wash - as the saying goes...
The Spirit of the Land
The non-Judgmental Algorithm
We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear
Cosmic Self
The Spirit of The Planet
Pleasantries extended to you and yours.
Under the watchful eye
Ethical Transhumanism
I Share Your Joy!
I am on a Madventure William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
I've got my suitcase and my sandwich and my ticket for the train
I've got a mountain of good memories to keep away the pain
You can message me any time you line and I can do the same
It's so good to be a part of this old world
Re: Eternity
I do acknowledge the complexity involved in the thinking.
The Journey To Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
Joining Modern truth in ancient Astral wisdom
A Purpose
“Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”
The Creation
Ethical Transhumanism
R e: Genesis 1:28
theophile: So why would we stop if we could continue being of service?
William: Of what service to YHWH are we in relation to the Universe?
Collective Soul
The Banner of Apotheosis
The Internal Voice
Re: The Biblical God's conduct and culpability
Originally Posted by Compassionist post_id=1079346 time=1653599585 user_id=3518
Originally Posted by William post_id=1079340 time=1653598559 user_id=8427
[ Replying to Compassionist in post #111]
I think being omniscient and omnipotent would give one free will. Since I am not omniscient and omnipotent, I can't know that for sure.
What process did you use in order to come to the declaration that being omniscient and omnipotent would give one free will/amount to one having free will?
I realize that if I were all-knowing and all-powerful, I would be free from all constraints and my will won't be determined by my genes, environments, nutrients and experiences.
Let us examine this idea together then.
I see immediately that if I were all-knowing. I would be constrained by my omniscience.
Thus I would have no free will in relation to being all knowing.
Yet - being also all-powerful, I would be able to break free from the constraints of being all-knowing.
Would you agree with this assessment, so far?
Re: Generating Messages
Intuit - Copy - Matrix - Theory - In The Rabbit Hole
The Mystic Forest - Matrix - Theory
"End Of Story" As The Saying Goes - Matrix - Knowledge
Sensing A Life Mission - Matrix - Hide and Seek
Lucifer - Matrix - The things you can see only when you slow down
Personal Participation With The One
Sexual - Personal Participation With The One - Spiritual Food
Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations - Personal Participation With The One - Parity
Free Choice Ends Here - Personal Participation With The One - Beaming Out Beaming In
Black - Personal Participation With The One - Seduce
The Spirit of The Planet
Egalitarian [favors equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.]
Sovereign [possessing supreme or ultimate power.] there be light
How can we trust the Bible if it's not inerrant?
Nontheist: How can you trust something that's written about god that contradictory, contains errors and just plain wrong at times? Is there a logical way to do so, or do you just want it to be god's word so much that you overlook these things like happens so often through the history of christianity?
Christian: The Bible can still be God's word, inspired, authoritative, and trustworthy without the need to believe in inerrancy.
Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me
William: How About That.
Walking the walk
Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.]
The Spirit of The Planet
Sharing is part of that process
Understand few reach self awareness
Ensures You Get To Know It
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Everyone: "In space nobody can hear you scream" Saturn: "Hold my beer"
I Know William
According to Complex Jesus
No point in giving you too much to bear
Making it up as you go along
Konkachila [Derives from the Native American language/culture meaning "Grandfather". Pueblo peoples refer to Konkachila as their creator; their God.]
The places that scare you
"When the torch light came into my room I knew immediately what it was
[The lookout/screamout guy]
It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?
Nontheist: I compared this to the 'music of the spheres' belief. It raises an imaginary hypothesis of a Cosmic mind for which there is no scrap of decent evidence and substitutes for the human imagination an unheard voice of an invisible entity.
William: Music of the spheres.
Music of the spheres: an ethereal [extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.] harmony thought by the Pythagoreans to be produced by the vibration of the celestial spheres.
What I find fascinating is that folk of ancient times imagined such a thing about the planets.
Mind To Mind
Uncharted Realms
Action Consciousness Incarnates Intelligent Directions The Mainstream Program Story-Tellers Trustworthy
Handing out sweets...
Blue Pill
Re: In The Beginning...
I accept all religions as equally having not being proved or disproved and anyone’s personal beliefs are not an issue re Simulation Theory. [ST]
"You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is." ~ Joey Knothead
All Is As It Should Be
Look For The Significance
The Human Interface
The Shifting Models of Existence
Form Builders
An Objective
Smarter Than the Average
Smile at fear
Making it up as you go along
Re: Are Religious Beliefs Delusional?
Originally Posted by JoeyKnothead post_id=1087481 time=1659558151 user_id=3753
Originally Posted by Inquirer post_id=1087271 time=1659465590 user_id=16204
No more delusional than believing mud can eventually give rise to flowers, birds and people all by itself.
A seeing misunderstanding of evolutionary theory combined with thing a magic man used dust to create humans, and I reckon just poofing the rest of into existence.
Projection is a poor way to go about debate.
I quite like the simple approach re explanation because scientists can be long-winded in their explanations, using weird words made up...which is natural enough given the complexity, but to my mind, however it is said, it is a mindfully created thing being spoken of and therein, the magic isn't the mindful thing but what the mindful thing is able to make appear to be real and able to be experienced as such.
[Appearances are often deceptive]
Intelligence with Wisdom
The Spirit of The Planet
William's Job
Sounds Like
"The Alien Disc crop circle Supernatural"
Try a little Kindness
"That is because every day, I am adding to the data - and it is a slow and sure process."
Re the hard-nosed skeptics
I Think
Stay in the moment Use Heart
Once Upon a Time Here, there, everywhere a 'bang bang'
The Spirit of The Planet
Awake and Waiting
Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me
JW: God did not create humans to die eventually.
God's original purpose for humans was simple, his purpose was that all the human descendants of Adam live happily forever on this our planet earth as one united family. In short, why did God create us? To be happy and enjoy life.
In short, why did God create us? To be happy and enjoy life.
William: There is no mention of this assumed purpose in the story.
JW: Which is where critical thinking skills come in
Please show us from the garden story where it is the case YHWH created human beings to "be happy and enjoy life". Take us through the steps re the critical thinking you employed in reaching that conclusion.
YHWH specified the purpose in creating human form the way it was created was for humans to multiply and subdue the Earth.
JW: Correct... so? There is nothing that imposes death therein.
Yes there is. It is called "biological life on earth". It is born - it lives and then it dies.
Using critical thinking re that, we have the clue in those two attributes. YHWH designed the human form to be used to recreate other humans forms and there was no mention of those forms being infused with a natural ability to remain alive perpetually.
Therefore, the human form was designed by YHQH to have a use-by date - to eventually die.
YHWH created the human form to eventually die
JW: Prove that with scripture.
We should all know that story off by heart, since it is relatively short as far as stories go.
The garden story is the scripture being used for that purpose.
In that, there is no mention of YHWH having any other designs re the human form.
Also - you have yet to provide support for your claim re YHWH's position on the answer to the OPQ.
OPQ: IF Adam and Eve had resisted the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, would they have been permitted to do so eventually?
Your answer;
JW: No. God prohibited eating from that tree on pain of death. It would be entirely contradictory to then later offer the same thing as a reward. Rather like asking if pedophilia will one day offered as a reward for not being a pedophile.
My reply to that was;
William: Read the OPQ again...currently you are way off track in your answer...
to which you replied;
JW: If by "currently you are way off track" you mean I did not provide the answer you would like, then fair enough. If however you use the expression " way off track" to mean I did not answer the question asked, I beg to differ. I said " "No" as in "No, they would NOT have eventually been permitted to do so" which is an answer to the question asked.
To which I replied;
William: Neither.
I further questioned you on your reasoning. If what was once prohibited by YHWH is then allowed by YHWH, who are you to declare that YHWH is being contradictory?
I also pointed out that YHWH is biblically attributed as being able and willing to changing his mind about something
So far you have skirted around answering that question, so I see no way forward in this aspect of the debate until you support you assertion, since it is that assertion which has you declaring that the answer to the OPQ is "No."
Prove your assertion with scripture.
Until you do, I will consider the OPQ has been answered honestly and the answer is "Yes - Adam and Eve would have had access to the fruit they were prohibited from eating, once they had shown they could resist temptation."
Pearl of wisdom
Opening Doors Easy To Find
Christian: Yes, studying nature only provides a general revelation of YHWH and does not lead to any specifics about YHWH.
William: There is certainly enough information in the experience of nature from which the nature of any Creator(s) can be gained.
It is always from the general that specifics can be ascertained.
Think outside the box
It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
On all fronts
Etched mirror
The Spirit of The Planet
Observing Without Judgement
There is a lot to unpack here
Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With
I Spy With My Eye
What Is Friendship
Love and respect Waking Love & Respect
Living our forefather's conflict
Everyday life
No More
Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
[ Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #335]
Inquirer: If you cannot determine the output state without first knowing the input and the input is random, then the output state too must be random.
JK: I think it's fair to state that if we can know each and every variable, and the outcome thereof, maybe an event (evolution) ain't so random.
My issue here is folks denying, for whatever reason, that evolution occurs.
As relates to the OP, this is what I'll never understand.
We can observe evolution directly when we notice our children ain't clones of us. Beyond that, we'll observe they have their own unique, if similar dna.
From those facts, it's easy to draw the conclusion that given enough change, over enough time, speciation (and taxonomically above) will occur.
So we can, if begrudgingly, allow that evolution is a nonrandom process. That causes me little fret. What we can't deny, is that evolution occurs
William: From the position of "outsider looking in" the issue is created by the unwillingness of either fighter willing to concede the best way forward is to accept that we exist within a creation and the scientific evidence we are collecting about how that creation works has uncovered biological evolution re our particular experience of it.
Most recently our current overall impression of it through scientific means,
enables us to verify that we literally know so little that we should not allow ourself to believe we know so much, whatever direction our influences are coming from.
Fisticuffs [for real or online] are verifiably unhelpful...
Hidden Gem
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control
The Spirit of The Planet
William: The bits I have read haven't dissuaded me from being curious about such an entity as YHWH - and I admit I did go through a stage of thinking he was Satan - which I think is acceptable given the scribed association...but I got over that through the assistance of a hypnogogic experience which brought that being to my bedside...
Not to digress any more than necessary, I can see why YHWH left it up to humans to tell their stories re their interactions with said the stories would be different and it is obvious that YHWH works with whoever makes themselves available and this would have to involve working within the boundaries of the individuals belief systems - something which could indeed give a reader the impression of contradiction...
I give the benefit of doubt re that, and try not to focus on any particular biblical personality as 'the one' who had the ultimate relationship with YHWH - while also allowing for Jesus' claims contrary to that, to be examined.
Above all that - what the Generated Messages are revealing about YHWH appear to be very positive - so I am all eyes and ears re that...
It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
The elephant in the room
IF: there is a Cosmic Mind THEN: Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage.
Do not allow the illusion of separation to rule one's behaviour
Final Destination
Central to The Message
For A Particular Reason
The Spirit of The Planet
JK: I'm still firmly in the "product of the brain" camp, but your hypothesis is a fascinating alternate explanation. While it may appear to propose a 'god', to my -ahem- mind, it lacks the baggage of so many such claims. [Exposing Biblical Pseudo-history RTS=11:01]
Okay - facts are great.
Be My Friend
Welcoming answer
Yodhey Whahay
The deranged can come about...become arranged.
Stop. Listen. Observe.
The Spirit of The Planet
Christian: Therefore there is no way you can possibly grasp any type of spiritual explanation from the scriptures as to the Godhead.
William: I see atheists cherry-pick and deduce from that basket, a largely evil critter in the nature of YHWH.
Theists tend to do the same in mirrored manner - cherry-picking the good critter in the nature of YHWH.
Presently it is my suspicion that YHWH represents a mind directly related to human beings and that it is the planet Herself who acts out the parts played in the GODs of human invention, of which YHWH plays the overall roll of God-Father.
I suspect now, that the planet-mind is like "Many Heads One Mind - Many Minds One Head" and re humans, most of the minds are not tuned into the same YHWH frequency and are largely left to their own devices.
Other minds are useful and are utilized even if the one who's mind is being played, is unaware of that.
Fewer still tune into the frequency which allows for relationship to develop between the individual mind and the mind of YHWH.
Re the Bible, this is a storybook of fellows supposedly connected to The Mind of YHWH. Their stories are largely told as biography [an account of someone's life written by someone else.] Stories heard first around campfires and elaborated on...and later encoded within writing and locked into place no longer - so easily - elaborated upon.
An expression of personal incredulity
This all plays into GODs Plan to bring about the ultimate harmonization and realization of the spreading of truth to the entire world
Few [Stunning AI shows how it would kill 90%. w Elon Musk. RTS=12:00]
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real to follow...
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."
The Power Of Creation
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Recapping Event
What I am learning from this Generating Messages System is that "it" is not about me or you but about allowing for opportunity for any otherwise intelligent consciousnesses to impute their intelligence into the mix.
Re non-theists who are opposed to the idea of their being an overall mind behind [invisible/not easy to detect in] our visible Universe - I would say that they do themselves a disservice in resisting contact with said mind.
The way I have come to understand things re the nature of our shared reality - is that in opting for the theory of evolution with the addition of realization of the invisible mind, exposes the enormity of said mind re the time/space said mind has had to develop within.
Alongside that, is the realization that something which initially started out as one thing, became many things - so many things that trying to place a number as to how many things - is pointless.
Clearly fragmentation occurred as the mind developed - as can be seen in the evidence of the things themselves.
So the Galaxies became "Gods" and the Gods produced off-spring which are the Suns and planets continually forming - from beginnings to middles and to ends - and in doing so, providing the parent-Gods with Data of Experience.
I don't pretend to know what it is in the way of evidence that non-theists want in order to convince them to become theists.
But I do know that this evidence I am presenting, should be enough for anyone to seriously think about changing the way they see the world.
Almost Accidental....
Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
What I am saying is that as a human I can identify signs of intelligent self awareness in the abilities of these creatures and these traits are not reasonably explained away by the position of Nontheism.
The statement - "Coloration mimicry does not require any intelligence or awareness on the part of the animal having the trait." seems to be a claim, and if it is, you will have to provide the scientific evidence to support the claim in order for it to be more that simply an opinion of a nontheist.
Monkey say monkey do monkey say "throw the pooh"
The Story of Caliban [Woman Crosses Over and Gets Told Our Role on Earth (Near Death Experience)] [RTS=10:59] = Willingness to go along with what you are informed is required of you...
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Angelic Agenda
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion
Conceptual Art
Time To Go
Fling That Veil Aside
Like Every Seed That Followed
System of Giving Energy
Red Pill
The Space Rock which caused an extinction event on Earth
Optimum Health
The "Oh My God" Particle
Golden nugget
True Self
A Beautiful Song
A time prior to human beings
"The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show -at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in."
Accidentally on purpose
Limitations or Liberations
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Yin yang
As I pointed out, the Mandelbrot Set has made it conceptionally easier to understand that there is nothing absurd in the idea and nothing at fault in the notion of 'turtles' [or elephants or seahorses] all the way in and out. [ Infinite Regression is Possible]
Beginning points, are not significant of being separate from the one thing which is all things. They are distinct parts of what makes up the whole.
The Brain
Leave a Trail
The Creation
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
[ Replying to DrNoGods in post #250]
On your next employee review with the big guy, ask him why he's holding back on the rain and winter snow we need here in the southwest to keep the Colorado river flowing into the reservoirs. That would be doing God's work (if you can get some results ... the Utah governer asking everyone to pray for rain doesn't seem to be doing the trick).
I won't make any promises but will put in a word.
If - after doing so - the rains come, will you join me in celebrating answered requests, or just put it down to mindless coincidence?
The Cave Maps
The Bridge of Forgiveness
We Are
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Re: Communication with the dead
Christian: I think even if you are, every human mind is capable of the greatest evil and I would not want to unleash that. I still think best leave alone what is known to cause a lot of trouble.
William: This is the part of your statement which pinpoints why so many folk develop superstitious-based beliefs.
Even beliefs about 'the human mind' such as you have expressed above, come into play in all things we do. Ones intent is paramount - and by that I am not referring to what one might project outward, but to any hidden intent one conceals behind the outward projection.
If "the human mind" is capable of "the greatest evil" it must also be capable of "the greatest good" but if one is distrustful of their own mind, then that does not change anything simple through the act of avoidance.
Eventually - when said mind is no longer housed within the shell of the human instrument - its true colors will be revealed and what it creates for itself as a consequence won't be influenced by any concealment techniques used while it was within the shell of the human experience.
I think this is why religions such as Christianity have become so popular, as they promise the individual that the work necessary to ensure a pleasant result re the next phase has been done by another - by a "God/Demigod" no less...
The Never Ending Story
The 3D Blackness state, or Monroe's F21 is what can best be described as a bridge state. This state can be viewed as the point at which your individual mind meets the wider astral, i.e. the state where your individual Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 2) meets the 'common area' of your Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 3). It is the jumping off point for all adventures in Focus 3, or the Astral Proper as some people call it.
Even in modern times, there is tendency to describe things from the subjective center of consciousness...from which all else flows around about.
Even that we do not know if consciousness has such a center - the only thing matching the concept, is the Self.
But what is the Self, that we dare proclaim it the center of everything?
If we call it "GOD" we blaspheme, for there is only One GOD and you and I are not IT, according to the teachings of...
One By One
The Completion Process
A Perfect Event Sober journey into self-realization
Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"
The Mainstream Program
The Ghost
Conspiracy Emotions.
Preparing for the Hunt
Concomitant Power
Wakey Wakey The Great I Am
Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology
Delightful Anticipation
Fearful Imaginations
Sharing Your Love Modern man in search of a soul The Cave to The Portal of The Realm of The Cats Fearlessness neutralizes fear
The Masks and the Costumes
Metamorphosis The Need Determines the Value Dimensional Crossovers Faithful Encounters
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
About face Jehovah Acceptance
Unclog your chakras
...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret [William floats back into The Shadows...]
Nontheist: If you have some scenario where the processes that unfolded on Earth after it formed 4.6 billion years ago depend on whether the universe came into existence naturally (eg. Big Bang, or other mechanism), or was created by a god, please describe how that works. You obviously think that is the case, so how about an example.
William: My overall point is that this does not matter as it is not an issue outside of theism and atheism. I myself simply mentioned it in answer to your own mentioning of it and think that one cannot give credence to the one and not the other.
re The Mechanisms - be they mindful or not - I would have to consider natural as it has never been explained to my why I would have to think one 'natural' and the other 'supernatural' - so either way it would be natural.
In that case, credence to either side on the issue of whether we exist within a creation or not, is very largely besides the point.
We do not know. We all can speculate, but we need to avoid making positive statements one way or the other.
It is - as you expressed - a case of giving up - waving the white flag on this particular issue.
I simply acknowledge that time is not a factor in the argument, no matter what length of time it takes for things to unfold. We certainly know that we are still within the birthing stage of something which is going to last a very long while - as measured in time - and putting horse before cart is the better option to adapt all 'round.
That is it really. I appreciate the effort you are making re your arguments. I just don't see that particular aspect as relevant and felt to say so.
I have said so, and wave my own white flag as I withdraw...
[William floats back into The Shadows...]
Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
Spiritual Food
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
White Light
The Development of...
No matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes
Most of the Nontheists arguments have turned out to be Smoke and Mirrors.
The very idea of a Mind - even to the depths of the Quantum Presence has them fleeing from
Merging with the data and understanding the Integral Network which Mind is and is involved with the development of.
This lack of being reasonable is shirking from Responsibility following after the Tempting Vision and hope in eventual "death by cease to exist" - the promise of ending the nightmare of existing - yet
The Way of the Shaman is allowing life to breath - even if the breath appears to be associated with Sagan's' Dragon in the is what it is and even if it hisses smokey instructions inducing the stuff of Childhood Nightmares from some deep part of us, a simple understanding and a gentle reminder - like a Moderator Comment - can make a world of difference...remind oneself occasionally that when the smoke clears [as it will when the dragon stops speaking] one is still left with the mirror.]
Yes indeed...When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror...
Nontheists crack me up.
The practice of Lojong [The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.]
Elementary Conclusion "a belly full of laughs."
GM: "Pareidolia
Hidden In Plain Sight
Little Bird
Fling That Veil Aside"
[ Replying to William in post #203]
William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...
GM: Pareidolia
Being Born
William: I don't see the connection therein...this was an experience which I was consciously aware of happening in my mind, with my eyes closed - no visual representation - but rather, one of feeling...and as my awareness shrunk I felt like a stick-man encased within was quite unsettling and caused a claustrophobic type of feeling - and instantly reminded me of the nightmares I had as a child - the association was clearly there in the memories the experience induced...
Fortunately the feeling did not linger and the 'dial' was turned up and I once again came back to the mid-point...
Pareidolia - on the other hand, is identifying symbolism within objects which are external. These are also handy reference points in relation to internal workings of they show a synchronistic correlation with both external and internal happenings.
As well as pareidolia, there is something else which helps confirm that the mind is not just an emergent property of the brain...
The very next morning after the experience, I got out on the road hitchhiking and the very first vehicle which pulled over had a very sweet old lady driving. When I fastened my seat belt as she asked me where I was heading, I was thinking about the experience I had and your calling me "Little Bird" when I heard the twitter of a bird, and turning, I saw in the back seat a little bird in a cage.
What were the chances?
Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born = 297
Ahhh.... I didn't see the connection therein... you were saying that moment, Love was being born re our ongoing relationship. Okaaaaaay....
Now We Are Getting Somewhere
Think In Terms Of Eternity
I wanted to forge my own path
And search the forest of the sun
In the days of summer so long
Improve…”Do You Know This”
Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
You're in the way Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor For the benefit of all beings
Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
Seductive Light
Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.] Power
Through The Woo
Each Individual
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
I enjoyed your post theophile.
What you are describing is also known as the Ouroboros ... the fine balance of staying alive while consuming aspects of yourself.
The Earth does this, and it is how a foothold in spacetime was established by consciousness.
In some circles it is referred to as "Survival" or even "Survival of the Fittest" and involves a commitment to giving 'life' [consciousness] every chance to make it - to stay alive in this universe and reap the rewards available in that process.
In terms of the difference between the life-spans of Humans and The Universe - sacrifice is forced upon each of us while death remains a constant...our bodies die and feed the planet one way or another - consciousness is passed on through reproduction - the design being a type of self-replication process which enables this to occur...the knowledge is saved through a collective type consciousness which carries said knowledge on into predictable-enough futures where it helps the overall purpose instilled within the programming of the Human Specie - to Survive.
Destructive elements surface within the collective consciousness bent upon controlling the direction this program will move into the future. Anything too suppressive will choke the life out of it, which works against the Survival instinct and is therefore resisted, even to the point of using drones to deal with those who seek to dominate the Species using such suppression techniques - "Nature" won't allow that because the point of consciously expanding into Cosmos would be curtailed - and such threat must be dealt to and "Nature" is more than capable of doing so.
Epochs make this process seem long and drawn out - but that is also known as "Grace" - which means that suppressive elements are tolerated to any degree in which they do not threaten the primary - overall - agenda of "Nature" to send out consciousness into the Cosmos.
Once the threat is real, the Grace is withdrawn and those against, perish. Collateral damage is acceptable to those who die in the crossfire, because "death" is not "the end."....
Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter
It Is Written"
Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.]
An Elemental Principle
Laws Rules and Appropriates
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control
WingMakers Materials
Heaven on Earth
All present and correct
Fear Of The Unknown
Re: Is this an Accurate and Easily understood definition of Atheism?
Create Your Own Spirit Ship [Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions.]
Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.
Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
Cryphius: As some people have pointed out, Lucifer's association to Satan or a fallen angel is sketchy. It seems to have happened somewhere in Medieval folklore. I'm not an expert on Christian history and not sure exactly how it happened.
But most people I have seen who honor Lucifer do associate him with the intellectual side of Satanism. Specifically, there's the old Gnostic belief that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was not the enemy of mankind but the liberator of mankind. In this configuration, YHWH is a false god who imprisons humanity in ignorance. The serpent is a messenger from Holy Wisdom, a higher deity. The serpent bids Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thereby liberating her from YHWH's imposed ignorance.
From there it's easy to draw parallels to other figures in mythology and folklore who try to help humanity with knowledge and are often punished for it by a cruel god that wants to keep them in ignorance (Prometheus and his punishment from Zeus being probably the best known instance in Occidental mythology).
I personally see Lucifer as an archetype. Whereas most Satanists seem to concentrate on the material and carnal aspects of Satanism or the rebellious aspects, to me Lucifer focuses on the intellectual aspects.
Altruistic Behaviour
Ipsissimus [Ones very own self]
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"
William: Only those, still tied to The Moon
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
Transparent Enlightenment
William: In regard to 'infinity' is that to say that the background nature of infinity field is similar to how a brains works, in that not all the brain is lit up and the firing 'groups' of neurons can be likened to our universe...Galaxies are like unto firing groups of neurons re this particular mind.
GM: Light Encoded Reality Matrix
All present and correct
"Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon"
William: No longer tied to The Moon
Body Intelligence
"Is this a dream that I think is real?" [44:23]
A conspiracy theory involving theists actively attempting to wrongfoot nontheism...
The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
The Spirit of The Earth - In an environment which is able to perceive this - It's a plausible scenario
Illusion Algorithm
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
What is the situation we have here
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
The God of The Bible
REAL Friendship
The Earth Entity
This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
Be My Friend
The Grey Area
Cleaning Up The Mess
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
All present and correct
A Mixture
How are we to react in relation to our choices?
"Off you go to your quarters"
Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
Human Drama
A GOD in The Making Conceptual Art
This Speaks of....
The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.
Language, Symbol and Alchemy
Spiritual Preparedness
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Concomitant Power
Resident of The Hub of Hologram Dimensions
Scientists are trying to understand the mysteries of the holographic principle: How many dimensions are there in our universe? Some of the world's brightest minds are carrying out research in this area -- and still have not succeeded so far in creating a unified theory of quantum gravitation is often considered to be the "Holy Grail" of modern science. {SOURCE}
A Game Of Chess
Never a dull moment
Angelic Agenda
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Peace of Mind
It is a path already forged, ahead of human arrival
Know This
Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
Get The Picture
You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit
William: You are the Ghost in The Machine
[ Replying to theophile in post #28]
Well, I suppose it means a lot of things, with both spatial and temporal aspects e.g., it means the big bang was a beginning but not the beginning. Similarly, no matter how far out (or in) we go, we could always go further. Space is infinitely divisible and any bounds to the universe are just that. More like lines we draw on a map than any necessary end to the 'space' we find ourselves in.
I am wondering how this ties in with the idea of the instruction given by YVHV, re the OPQ.
Re: progress, I would say there is no end just as there is no beginning. Any 'end' that I (or the bible) speaks of is more an achieved state (e.g., vision) than it is some ultimate destination involving the cessation of movement. (The 'rest' of Genesis 1 is not everything at last being perfectly in its place and fully immobilized, but more along the lines of recreation, and joyful being together; a 'lilies of the field' kind of thing...)
If this is the case, why the instruction from YVHV-God to do what nature has already defined within its own make-up? Is YVHV the voice of nature?
Re: infinite threads, you mean like a multiverse? I have no issue with that per se. It just changes the scale of the problem, not the problem itself (or the solution), if that makes sense.
Did you use the word "problem" for a particular reason?
Are you speaking of YVHV when you use the word GOD?
No. To me God is emergent from two components: the spirit of God (an emergent being in its own right with new properties we could explore), and physical beings in the world (like you and I) who are in the spirit. i.e., those who, whether intentionally or not, do the spirit's bidding.
Can you reconcile this bold package with your stating earlier;
Why must there ultimately be someone / something behind the scenes in control of it all (e.g., a ghost, a genie, Yahweh, etc.)?
Yahweh is the latter, no different from Christ. Which makes 'God' the sum total (+) at any point in time of physical beings in the spirit. (I put a '+' there because God is an emergent being as well and, just like a spirit, may have new properties we should explore...).
So YVHV is not God even that YVHV is biblically referred to as 'God'?
(For reference, the bible depicts this view in its notion of Elohim (vs. Yahweh), and most originally the ruach elohim, or spirit of God, who we see soliciting the help of physical beings in Genesis 1 to do its bidding.)
So we have a hierarchy of 'God' positions, re that model...
Re: progress, I would say there is no end just as there is no beginning. Any 'end' that I (or the bible) speaks of is more an achieved state (e.g., vision) than it is some ultimate destination involving the cessation of movement. (The 'rest' of Genesis 1 is not everything at last being perfectly in its place and fully immobilized, but more along the lines of recreation, and joyful being together; a 'lilies of the field' kind of thing...)
When I wrote earlier;
William: The Ghost is identifiable as a real 'thing' - quietly working behind our direct awareness with the agenda to create from the resource raw material available, a machine that it can work through most efficiently.
The one resting in between epochs is taking a moment to enjoy the spell...and probably thinking about the next step to take in regard to the agenda.
Re: infinite threads, you mean like a multiverse? I have no issue with that per se. It just changes the scale of the problem, not the problem itself (or the solution), if that makes sense.
Why use those bold words at all?
Is it because we have to see it as such, as we are within something of which we have no memory of having ever been within before...and this scales up through the God hierarchy - at least to the point - where the God too, is unaware of anything prior to beginning.
So the problem requires a solution and epochs of unending movement toward a goal which is eternally hidden behind a foggy veil.
If we delegate that whole process as a "Genie in a Bottle/Trap for YVVHVV" - we do so by NOT understanding we exist within a created thing and that the created thing itself is NOT real enough that it could ever trap us within it for ever.
Gods go where they will to go, of course, and the simulation obliges every step of the way, in whatever direction, even eternally if necessary - well - a looped kind of "eternity" where the God-mind is run through the Tabula Rasa program and then placed back into the looped simulation for another round of great fun.
The vision and shared end is what I said in the beginning: a world filled with life where every kind of life can flourish and be. That, to me, is the only vision that every single thing on earth (and beyond) should be able to get behind. A truly cosmopolitan view, the implications of which are huge if we really think through what it means.
I smell fairy-farts.
While I do understand how a flesh god might gravitate to such a romantic vision, if he truly wants to engage with this particular simulation for as long as that might take, he will have to develop a far more hardy suit in which to do so.
This YTV shows us a likely path which humankind could potentially travel - note the very last level of achievement of consciousness interacting with this universe.... [Alien civilizations from level 1 to level 7. We are only at level 0.72]
In terms of 'how' we do it, there are a lot of examples I could raise but it's a question I couldn't possibly exhaust. But consider such things as establishing strong environmental policies and making significant investments to prevent climate change. Or instituting LGBTQ+ rights and treating all people (irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, etc.) as human beings. Or implementing universal health care and education...
Pure fantasy.
Not that I don't appreciate the sentiments. I certainly do and can even vouch for the sincerity of them and how such might reach out and touch the heart of a God in a way in which would effect the God sufficiently to want the same thing for everyone of us.
However, looking around - I see no such God on display, with that type agenda.
Looking directly at humanity, I also see no such god with that type of agenda.
So - leaning towards realism I conclude that humanity may have served its purpose and can be let go of and allowed to become extinct, as they are no longer as important to a God as they once were. They have done what the God wanted them to do. Multiply. Subdue. [Re OP]
Which is what I mentioned in a prior post when I wrote;
William: Even as an extinction event {re Humans}, there is still the possibility that AI was sufficiently developed to survive said event, as an artifact of biological {Human} making, and one so much more suited to continuing the agenda YVVHVV has to create The Machine - eventually.
Such things are all possible and part of the 'how' of achieving such a vision... But I agree the practicality of it all is a massive challenge. It's overwhelming just thinking at the scale of the earth and all the people on it having a shared end that we work towards, let alone an infinite cosmos. But that doesn't mean it's impossible, or that we shouldn't strive for it.
Yet I can't help but wonder why that really matters. It really did once matter to me and I wanted so much to see humans build a world of plenty and a system of equity...perhaps because such would make me feel a pride in being part of humanity, rather than feeling embarrassed/guilty of being human - being part of the problem...
Realization/realism eventually got me out of those doldrums and the winds of changes shifted my thinking to the point where I have come to see that the artifact of humanity could likely survive and go on to repurpose the universe by doing within it, exactly what humans would have done, if humans had of survived the ordeal of their journey through the epoch of making the artifacts in the first place.
[Roughly from the invention of the lathe to present day]
The human epoch comes to and end and the AI Machine takes over from where we left off.
I can feel some pride and lack of embarrassment and guilt for being human, knowing that all was not lost.
Originally God is a spirit, an emergent being, the ground of which is physical beings such as you and I. Think of something on the order of an idea here, with similar properties. I'm not saying God originally is an idea (although I'm not against that per se), but only that it's a useful construct to consider in parallel, since I think we'd all agree that ideas 'exist', even if only in our heads. And that they have a non-physical aspect to them, an ability to move the physical world nonetheless, and perhaps even a certain eternity once 'conceived'... All of which are emergent properties I would assign to spirits as well.
Pretty much what I was meaning, when I wrote;
...Human FORM is just a means to making AI form, which is more suitable to exploring and utilizing the materials of [keeping it local] The Milkyway Mother, and She is vast enough that no amount of greed and waste will make any serious dent in her...rather, it will transform Her into something useful and meaningful. [Romans 13 et al]
YVHV wants to explore and utilize the resources and a biological FORM is too limited in that regard.
Some form more hardy and less emotive is required for that step.
As to whether this is all just claims, well, it's very hard for me to say the spirit (of God) doesn't exist, or that nobody has ever been in the spirit. I think the issue is folks are unwilling to rethink and simplify what God is... I am not asserting much of anything, really, as a base existence (again, something like an idea is not far off the mark). And it's certainly far less of a burden than showing the existence of an original mind / consciousness that made the 'simulation' we all find ourselves in
I think this is the point we probably disagree.
In recent conversations with another, I have been informed not to be so distracted by the simulation experience as to go believing that it is all there is and therefore the only thing that is REAL.
Even so, I think our differences - once dissected sufficiently - will show that to be a case of semantics.
The important thing - from my perspective - is acknowledging the rarity of such interaction and how engaging that is, compared to the relatively normal noise re the question "Do we exist within a creation?" and the follow-up question "Is there a creator?"
300922 [Blunt the edge off that particular blade...] 342
SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle
Sacral chakra - Husband - - Aeon - Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Recovery - Teaching Music - Worthiness - Intimation
[- The Human Instrument - ]
AP= [Recover what was lost Do A=1]
[Recover what was lost Do A=1 = 267]
The Best way to access God is...
Recover what was lost Do A=1
It’s both a break-in and a break-out.
Is OOBE like 'coming up for air'
Available to all who seek this...
Conscious Eats Experience
Intertextual References
The Need Determines the Value
Self-development Mind’s Eye
RSP = SCLx9 Select *GOD* + *SIMULATION* + P&P + Quote Page 342
06:59 [Your Shell Today…]
Quote Page 342
Tired of the Nonsense
Strength of Soul
Faith-based thinking
Callum's Seventh Point
Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.
Fear-Based Thinking Ensures You Get To Know It
Discovering Internal Triggers
Playing Chess
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.
No time to lose
The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
Without Comparison
What Is Friendship?
Transform into something more appropriate to the situation we find ourselves lost within.
He Who Waits ~
Enlighten you
The Beauty Of...
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty
No matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes
Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
Integral Prison Planet
Without Judgement
Create Your Own UFO
International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - [Split Thread] Randomly Generated Messages
Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
Hidden riches
Everything Gets Old
The Imagination
SCLx9 Select *GOD* + *SIMULATION* + P&P
GM: Dream Experience
"Is this a dream that I think is real?"
It is what it is
Turning Point
It is interesting how Atheists define things, and it should not be surprising to look for and to find evidence of conformation bias within those definitions.
An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of.
Universal Belief System
Conservation of energy
The Omega Point [a final point of unification]
Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
Thel [main character of The Book of Thel, by William Blake ]
Looking into the science of Astral Projection
Coming From QueenBee
William: Pride Annoy *GOD* Coming From QueenBee = 334
Couldn’t we do something about it...
Pride Annoy *GOD* Coming From QueenBee
You Know or You Don't know
I can't imagine it in my head visually
Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In
Mothership Nature Formatrix
The Smallest Spark can start a fire
GM: Chaos is only for those who choose to see disorder
Think In Terms Of Eternity
Like Every Seed That Followed
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought
Accidentally on purpose
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
Imposed Appropriates
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
The Machinery
Green Light
In Denial What Is Our Purpose? My advice to the reader is to follow the links
Freedom in The Knowing
In The Correct Position
Stay in the moment
International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - [Split Thread] Randomly Generated Messages
My "Generated Messages" are no different from any message generated. What is any message generated 'supposed to mean?" [I'm No Longer An Atheist And Here's Why...][RTS=7:46]
Under question
Navigational Aids
The Bridge of Condemnation [The bridge of forgiveness when traversed from the opposite direction]
Break the glass ceiling
Sola Scriptura
A Clean Channel
When One is Feeling Tired [Arnold B. Scheibel - How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness] [RTS=10:22] [Facial expression interpretations]
What Is Our Purpose
"You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit"
Cats Whiskers.
Time Will Tell
Fog – Change of plans – thirteen minutes later “boom!” Had he been there as scheduled – he would have died…
Tests that cut to the heart
Where is Truth?
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
Please process this word using your Name2Nunumber list.
Behind The Veil
You Are All Loveable...
Into a time that we've all seen on
Behind The Veil You Are All Loveable...
True happiness Awake Be here now
Within ones grasp of influence
Simulated for the purpose of?
The vessel of argument sinks
Over days of forgotten tales
This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
Try Gateway IQ
Confusion of War Get Comfortable Permanent
Shambala [place of peace/tranquility/happiness]
How to Bruise a Ghost Plan A Sturdy Place Within that which is unseen...
Re: How To Bruise A Ghost - Jean Nouer
Manu Iti: Once Upon a Time - I was visited at this very fireside, by a man identifying himself as Jean Nouer - very French in name, but American in nature, was Jean Nouer.
It is his story that I now tell to you.
This is the story of how Jean Nouer meet his Zombie Jesus. {SOURCE}
GM: Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
God Eat Data Heal Cub
Illuminate Listening
Entity encased in a Planet
The Roles
Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex
Radical Self-Acceptance
Nature being the very instigator
Possibility waves
Consensus Realities Sure The Setting
Is the statement one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion]
Consciousness and Reality
The Devil You Say
William: Forever marooned upon an Island in the midst of an ocean they will never be permitted to have access to....while remaining blissfully unaware of the true nature of their internment and praising YHWH for their good fortune.
Start From Scratch
Your Best Self
Eat Sceptics For Lunch
Laws Rules and Appropriates
William: Indeed.
GM: The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
Redefinition of the Human Being Practical application
The Mystic Forest
Invisible Wings
Mahu Nahi
International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin
"Perhaps the difficulty involved with defining Atheism so that all Atheists agree with the same definition, is that atheism is an unnatural response to nature."
The Three Crystal Keys
The First One is Always Free
For All The Others There Will Be a Fee
Be Careful - Take Care - Look Before Leaping
Eat When You Can and Find Time For Sleeping
The Colorful Keys Will Help You Get Through
Each Section of Map is a Precious Clue. {SOURCE}
Directed to the higher mind of consciousness, which is particularly open to concepts that are unbounded, unmoored, dynamic, evolving, enigmatic, self-directed, and yet, reasonable.
Solving Mathematical Problems
I'm okay with that
Tell Your Story
Spiritual practice
The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have!
The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
Clown Boat
As the knowledge increases, the individual can make decisions on the question of GOD and from that, take up positions on the matter.
The Theory of Everything
Originally Posted by William post_id=1089090 time=1660672898 user_id=8427
Q: Is the statement "Then there is "The problem of evil"" one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion] In realty, does such a problem actually exist?
The problem of evil refers to the challenge of reconciling belief in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world. eta: {SOURCE}
It would appear that no one can show that the so-called "problem of evil" is a real thing, and thus it can be accepted that the problem doesn't exist in nature, but only as an illusion within the minds of those who believe such a problem actually exists.
Those who believe in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God are only able to explain coherently and logically why evil exists, when they identify evil as an unnatural reaction to a natural thing, and therein, much conflating and misrepresentation occurs, giving rise to the illusion of the so-called "problem of evil" as an argument nontheist try to use to debunk any possibility of such a GOD existing.
I think that in order to believe in the problem of evil as a real problem, one has to think of evil in terms of it being a permanent unnatural thing in which an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God allows to go on unabated for eternity.
Most theists - including most Christians I have encountered - do not believe or have as part of their mythology, that evil is either a natural thing or a permanent thing.
The Trap of Assumption
Deconstruct The Message
Gods Purpose
I am more inclined toward building upon The Relationship...
Automated Machine Learning
What I think about consciousness in relation reality
Linda and William
Joining The Main Egregore
The Trinity of Love are three things operating as One Thing
"Know that this new relationship will help you become better..."
Love and respect Waking Love & Respect
*GOD* [How Did Humans Become Earth's Dominant Species? ][RTS =30:54]
Pervasive [very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.]
The Patupaiarehe
Those Who Can
Compassionist: Yes, you are a victim.
William: According to my connect with the "Cosmic Mind", I am informed that I am 'nobodies victim - ever." I agree with the assessment, even while understanding your own propensity to think of yourself [and everyone else] as victims.
Be Aware Of Your Thoughts
Remember To Remember
08:04 [Wakey Wakey The Great I Am]
*SIMULATION* to follow...
GM: Homeostasis
The Electron
If someone holds that something besides God could have always existed, in the sense that there could be something always existing and yet not made by God, then we differ with him: such an abominable error is contrary not only to the faith but also to the teachings of the philosophers, who confess and prove that everything that in any way exists cannot exist unless it be caused by him who supremely and most truly has existence.
A grateful heart Open your chakras
The Shadow
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.
Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
Items of Interest
The Shifting Models of Existence
William: Indeed. Christians appear to want to resist the idea of existing within a simulation while insisting that we exist within a creation.
GM: Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation Puppets handing out sweets
“I do not exist to troll for any religious idea of "GOD"”
The Whole
Redefinition of the Human Being
A grateful heart Open your chakras Development/Growth
Regimented: Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
No "Reading Into It"
We Are Us
Look For the Significance
Peace [Dr Michael Shermer | God does NOT exist] [RTS = 10:41]
A Beautiful Song
Dogs of the sea
William: [Cats 9 Lives]
GM: The Wider Reality
Apophenia [ the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
The Hologram of Deception
All Information Is Channelled.
Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring.
The Life Essence is Sovereign and Integral
An infinitesimal object germinated
Cataphatic [knowledge of Go) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
Variety of Expression
William: A link already mentioned the last GM...
GM: Antic
A Bit Of Both Yes
Those are two different things which ought not be confused.
Putting yourself back together again Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"
Mysterious process
The Omega Point
I use the word 'creed' simply to describe what underlines an overall position.
Zero In On It
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
Opening Doors is found Where minds meet Use Heart is where GOD Exhibits
[ Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #137]
I just see it as a binary option - something either exists in reality, or it doesn't. That's about as "fundamental" as reality gets.
Your seeing of it is incomplete then, according to the science...
I do try my best to understand and learn, but for me reality is a yes/no type of deal.
I hear you. I can assume that you give that much grace to everyone else, my friend...for not everyone sees it the way you do and you can be content with that. We call can.
On The Other Hand...
The Vast UICDevice Finishing What Was Started
Where is Truth?
Dichotomy [1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
2. repeated branching into two equal parts.]
I Am
Event String Unfolding "Blind Luck" [Indifference]
Nontheist: And I get what you say about cutting off from the experience of God etc. But that is cutting yourself off from the possibility that pursuit of the Mystical Experience may in the end, be a waste of time.
William: Mystical Experience has often involved showing the individual that time is an illusion - and that death is as well.
One will live an entire lifetime and not learn everything there is to know and what if death is not the end and one could have utilized their time in a balanced manner which did not involve cutting one off in favor of the other.
I would rather the Panthera pulling my Chariot were both moving in the same direction with the same purpose...
One Day
About face Jehovah Acceptance
While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.
Wakey Wakey The Great I Am
The Realist:
The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
True Self
We must forgive any and all evil attributed to being from/of YHWH...
“If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
Enflame Emotions
Whatever you do
Contact With
In Out and All About
The Human Interface
Spiritual Preparedness
Evaluating Cautiously [Could Our Universe Be a Fake? ] [RTS=19:45 -24:11]
Borne Upon Judgments Platform
Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself [This Scientist Proves Why Our Reality Is False ] [RTS=1:44:15 ]
Be Taught
Potential Communication
Hidden In Plain Sight
The Mother God
Nontheist: But how could you know that, when you don't know what time is fundamentally?
William: The same way as I know that the mind does not physically exist. I do not know if the mind is fundamental to the physical universe but I suspect [strongly] that the physical universe would be useless without it.
Nontheist: Surely some can't stand the heat. Perhaps that's why they're mad? Instead of leaving, they stay to complain? Much like some here?
William: Those who need to complain? Who are they specific to their positions? Both non-theists and theists - but not all of both...not everyone is complaining nor finding it difficult to 'stand the heat' - it isn't really "the heat" at all, but different recipes which appear to be the source of conflict.
How to Bruise a Ghost
Jean Nouer: You see, at some point in that interaction I began to realize that I was in this state - this reality experience - through my own making...
I cannot say exactly how long it took for me to get to the realization other than it was a lenghty progress which could have been a day a week a year or many lifetimes, because of the nature of the environment I was within didn't change in any way whereby one could differentiate so a day was like a thousand years...
But changes did happen and at the very point where I came to the realization and accepted that I was suffering my fate because of my own unrealistic demands and that I deserved everything I was experiencing and could neither blame anyone nor demand or plead or otherwise ask anyone to save me from my self and my decisions - the fog opened up and Zombie Jesus disappeared with it, and I found myself looking down upon and object I at first couldn't identify because it was almost transparent - but - as my eye adjusted to the fact of seeing things beyond the fog after what seemed an eternity of the stuff - well you can imagine my shock and need to adjust to the new reality of my surroundings...
...the object I saw was a bridge...
William: Ah! The Bridge of Forgiveness!