Agnostic: Yet I have never seen that stop an atheist from consistently attempting to use science in their telling of their opinions about gods.
Atheist: As an atheist, I'm not above referring to science in support of various claims I, or others, may make.
Agnostic: I was being specific to statements of opinion, rather than claims.
For example, a common argument from atheists that there cannot be a Creator-GOD because "Evolution" when it is clear that the theory of evolution offers no evidence that we do not exist within a creation.
Stuff like that.
Atheist: Yeah, that'n causes me a fuss too. I offer what retractions'll fix my error in understanding what you were getting at.
It's just such a good source for confirmatory data. That theists can't, or struggle to refer to science in order to promote their beliefs is their problem, not a problem of scientific principles.
Agnostic: On the surface this sounds logical.
However, on the belief that we exist within a creation = "Therefore a Creator-GOD" there has been no science done which provides
any of us with the right to premise. ["Therefore a Creator-GOD"]
Thus, promoting beliefs in ideas of Creator-GODs is cart before the horse stuff.
However, if one proceeds in a horse before the cart manner, the focus is on the idea that we exist within a creation, we can then look for evidence within the reality experience we call 'The Universe" and see what can be found therein to support the notion that the reality experience is a creation.
Atheist: Plenty fair. Lacking specific examples, I see no problem at all with this approach.
As you know, I'm very intrigued by your Cosmic Mind hypothesis. I want your notion to be true, to be scientifically proven, insofar as how neat I think it would be. I'd love for the scientific community to be able to offer confirmation in this regard. Sadly though, you and I enjoy this notion without such confirmation.
Agnostic: Thanks for saying so. We share in the intrigue.
For me, the notion certainly appears to be true re the evidence - even through the Message Generating Process under development -
[Today's GM] is certainly understandable enough and deals with this subject in more detail.
As I understand it, IF there is a "Cosmic Mind" involved with the creation of our Universe, scientists will eventually [naturally] discover this just by continuing to do science.
In the meantime I do my own science, and am satisfied with the results so far.
Going off of the readership stats so far, there appears to be a consistent reader-interest where I post the GMs - here, and in other internet forums...
Atheist: I gotta fess it, those messages leave me lost as a cow at a square dance. I chalk that up to my lack of formal education.
Granted, where an atheist (or anyone) refers to science and gets it wrong, we oughta all fuss about that.
Agnostic: My position is that - in the last 24 hours - I have decided that am done with interacting with atheists and being distracted by their statements of opinion re the Question of GOD...except for the exception of JK because you have consistently shown a willingness to remain open minded about the idea of a "Cosmic Mind" and it is undeniable that such a Mind - if it truly exists - could be referred to as a "GOD'.
In all my years of interacting with atheists, I have never had the pleasure and - like I say - After years of subjection to atheist opinions, I have had enough of it.
Atheist: In considering we're here on this site to debate theses issues, I do find it odd that some'd prefer not to be bothered with at least trying to understand the other guy. Especially where, such as you, they make compelling arguments, up to and including wit and wisdom, laughter and medicine.
Of course, I don't frequent TD&D, but even there, I find me a jewel now and then.
As an amateur, a wanna-be scientist, maybe I rely too much on science in support of my own world view.
Agnostic: What will you do if/when science discovers that we actually do exist within a creation?
Atheist: Accept my new reality. I ain't so proud to think I've got all this right, all by myself
I submit though, that cracking open the bible ain't the way to fix that.
Agnostic: That is an irrelevant opinion to me, because - as you know - I am not a Theist or an Atheist because I see no logic in having an opinion on GOD until it can be established that we exist within a creation.
Atheist: I plow that under, and deny I ever said it, as relates to your position.
Agnostic: The closest I come to that, is with the notion that there MAY be a "Cosmic Mind" and if such can be identified in ANY religious script, I am open [of mind] to investigating that.
Atheist: Otherwise - since I am not advocating folk need to do that, it is not an issue I have to answer to.
Agnostic: I second the notion.
Thanks for you feedback John.
Atheist: And thank you, my friend, for understanding the limits of my abilities, and patiently explaining to me em