I'm a registered Independant, but If i had to choose which party I'm most like, I would be a conservative Libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, but I do believe the government has greatly overstated its power.
Additionally my views on economics vary, as most people know me to think very capitalistically in the outside world, realisticly, I would love to see a more communistic system put into place when it comes to technology and the proliferation of data. For example, I believe that no government should have control over the internet's content and that anyone should be allowed to contribute to the infrastructure. I'm against software patents as well. If companies want to make their money, they should do it by providing services on this platform, not by creating proprietary software.
I am beginning to ramble a bit. I'm a supporter of gun rights, private land ownership (my fucking township called a vote whether to restrict the building rights of the airport here by attempting to purchase it under eminant domain, the stupid assholes in my town voted it in.. property taxes are shooting through the roof now and they don't even realize that they can't be guarenteed that expensive land they think they own), and banning abortion.
I read an earlier post in here about churches telling people to vote for someone. I'm sure in some cases that is true, but the majority of the time they are telling parishoners to NOT vote for people who support such things as abortion and embryonic stem cell research as it goes against the very core of their beliefs. To them, supporting such things is genocide in every sense of the word. I won't argue other people's beliefs but if you see for instance, a candidate for office going "I'm a proud Roman Catholic" while saying "I support Pro-Choice" they are a lieing sack of shit. Sure most politicians are, but to go around saying that you are a part of a group when in reality you go against its core beliefs is unforgivable. The Churches should be ashamed that they don't practice what they preach by not denouncing these people.
I don't care what your beliefs are, you just don't do this. I do believe in a seperation of Church and State, however I am against the removal of such things like "In God We Trust" from my country because even if one is not a believer, it is true that back then, the country did have ideals and a reason for breaking off. If we lose our history, we lose our reason for being the country we are.
I also believe the State has no right to ban gay marriage. While I don't believe in it and find it a little nasty, the US was a free country. I see no reason why they should be persecuted because of sexual orientation. I also don't give a damn if they call it unions or marriage or whatever.
I hate that I now have to sign to get a friggin box of sudeffed when I'm sick. I hate my fucking state, New Jersey... it is the SHITHOLE of the United States. The average IQ of the residents of this state ranges somewhere in the 60-70 range as demonstrated by its shit government and wasted money. Plus I seriously think this state is THE terrorist hideout for the US. US GOVERNMENT, IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE STOP SENDING US MONEY, SEND SOME FUCKING BOMBS AND WIPE THIS SHITHOLE OFF THE MAP.
Some final notes... I don't hate the president, I just think he made some shitty decisions and that's it. I almost feel bad for him. This war was going to happen whether or not he was president, we may have avoided it, but what then? Would it have given countries like Iran a chance to develop weapons while our eyes were diverted from them? Its something that can't be answered. Regardless, I don't think the war is near being over and I assume it will escalate to include Iran now. It's too late now to go back to being an isloationist country, WWII marked the end of that. Its a shame, and the hippies will cry out and claim there is a way for peace... I wish I had that hope, no.. the world is spiraling downward, things will only get worse before they get better.
Sorry for the long post, I just get annoyed when I see things the way they are now, and really.. what the fuck can we do now? The only, and I mean ONLY answer to that question is fometing a revolution which will only tear the world up more now.... we need an ideal again, the country is losing the fight for God as an ideal so what do we goto next? Do we declare genocide?, do we leave the war and let them pay us back years down the road? These are things I don't think anyone here can answer, right now the next few years are pretty uncertain.
Damn this is so OT.. I hope I've said some things of meaning to you people.