The only dreams that affect my day is love and annoying dreams. Love makes me positive throughout the day while annoying ones make me cranky. |
Probably there was a thread like this here already, maybe years ago, who knows, but i thought this would be a good place to share |
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
<--- My Dream Journal Contains ONLY Lucid Dreams
The only dreams that affect my day is love and annoying dreams. Love makes me positive throughout the day while annoying ones make me cranky. |
Dreams can also affect your day negatively. Once I had a dream that my family decided to sell our dog. |
Last edited by Aurata; 08-02-2012 at 01:05 PM.
Recorded dreams: 83 + 6 lucid (DILD).
To-do: [ ] Learn dream control, [ ] sustain a LD, [ ] improve clarity.
A great perturbation in nature, to receive at once the benefit of sleep, and do the effects of watching.
Usually any dream that I have kinda effects my day until I forget it. |
It looks LQ when uploaded on DV...
A good dream puts me in a good mood for the entire day. A night of lucid dreaming helps remind me to enjoy every moment of my waking life. |
After a while i just learned to forget nightmares and bad dreams as as i know it would ruin my day. Lucid dreaming helped me accomplish this since it really helped me understand dreams. Usually the most memorable dreams i have that effect my day most are my lucid ones, as it makes me look back throughout the day of how awesome it was |
I had a really depressing dream a few weeks back. It affected me on that day so much that I even cancelled going out for an afternoon meal with my family, as it made me feel that bad and antisocial. I just didn't feel up to it after that. |
"Reject culture..." "Put the Art pedal to the metal!"
- Terence McKenna
What would be the point of dreaming, especially to those of us who lend so much importance to them, if they didn't effect our day? |
I often get the occasional dreams about love that make me feel quite "empty" inside. Hell, I had a dream where my mother died and I woke up crying, couldn't forget about that. |