I've been homeless for 2 years. Right now I'm a day-laborer. Just in case that helps interpretation.

Last night I dreamed I was on a job site and someone died (IIRC of natural causes). My colleagues
and I did not seem to think this was a big deal; we just laughed about it. (Keep in mind that I wasn't
dreaming about anyone I actually know. None of the people in the dream were "real".)

In the other dream I was also on assignment as a laborer, to evict someone from their apartment.
Only it turns out it was my apartment! We were just throwing my stuff into one of those big
dumpsters they use on construction sites, and some of it got broken.

While I was reflecting on the irony of being assigned to my own eviction, I said to myself, "It doesn't
matter. I'm going to get all new stuff anyway."