Last night, I had an extremely strange dream. I was in a town where there was a fire, from a forest fire. In this dream, I fled the town along with my Mom. When I left, I somehow ended up in a large house, but I was being chased by a nazi. Apparently, this nazi wanted to kill me. However, I became lucid at this point. I managed to escape, and while still in the dream I thought it was the more hateful part of myself going after the more compassionate side of myself..... and the dream simply expressed this as a metaphor.

In the second dream, I was in my house.... and I though I had just ingested around 100-150 morning glory seeds to trip (they contain a chemical cousin of acid). I have been on and off considering taking them again in real life though I haven't had the time lately. I've done them and other psychs a decent bit, so it's not entirely unusual for these sorts of drugs to be involved in my dreams. However, the manner in which they were in my dream was rather interesting. I was tripping balls in my room and thought I took them.... however in the dream, I didn't take them and just somehow was tripping balls without drugs.