Hey everybody!
it's been a while since I've posted at all within dreamviews (mainly because i had no internet for the past week and a half), but also i took a small break from lucid dreaming. When i say break i just mean that i lost motivation for a little while and discontinued my practice, i didn't look up anything related to lucid dreaming, nor apply it in any shape or form, i stopped dream journaling, doing my bedtime routine and i stopped doing reality checks.

I've now started to pick up where i left off with motivation, writing in my dream journal, and being consistent while trying techniques out again. One technique i just did was "sensory deprived visualization" and i got some fantastic results from it.

The reason i tried visualization again is because I've noticed something odd with my dreams that i recall in my dream journal. With almost every entry ending with "I could feel a sense of being present in the dream (no autopilot), but the overall dream quality just sucks ass", it is almost like im almost lucid in this dreams, but the dream quality prevents me from knowing 100% that im in a dream. So i read online about visualization and how do it, i come across a tutorial and it tells me to visualize an apple with as much detail as possible, zoom in to look at it, then zoom out and after all of this eat the apple .

I then put in some noise blocking headphones and a blindfold on, then i proceed to get comfortable while trying not to feel my body or any other distraction. After about 30 minutes of meditating i start to wind down and feel sensory deprivation for a while. Then all of a sudden, i imagine with great detail my uncles apartment. When i mean great detail, it's almost like it was a dream, i kid you not i could see sooooo much detail within this scene in my minds eye. I then imagine the apple, eat it and what not, then i get out of the meditative state.

Now, knowing that i can visualize to that extent, how could i apply that to the quality of my dreams?