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    1. #1
      Member anomanderis's Avatar
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      Jan 2007

      Compulsion in hypnogogia/hypnopompia

      This has happened to me several times now, on almost every little nap i take. When I nap, I'm usually in a very light state of sleep and a lot of it in hypnopompia (which could be called the latter stage of hypnogogia), where I can feel my body only slightly and my subconscious freely creates trains images and thought.
      Yet lately, every time I am in this state of hypnopompia, I feel a compulsion for doing something. At that time it is so clear, so vivid and i know that i MUST start doing it. But exactly as i come out of hypnopompia, I forget all the context that was with the compulsion. Only the feeling of having to do something really important remains...
      This hasn't always been so and I think I know why it is the way it is. Although I want to write and meditate and do yoga, I haven't taken the time for it after school ended (even though I promised myself.)

      Anyone else ever experienced the same compulsion? I remember that what I am supposed to do is VERY important, but I forget what it is....

    2. #2
      Senior Pendejo Tornado Joe's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Rock n Roll Capital
      Hi Anoman,

      yup, happens every now and then. I think it's some other form of dream recall issue. Even though you don't mention actually dreaming, when you're in that meditative state (or dozing off) your mind is processing thoughts and images which you may not be all that conscious of or remember when you're fully awake. Those important thoughts (subconscious?) might be bubbling up and while not making any linear sense (like a story or plot) you're left with the sensation or feeling of it's importance.

      It's like having a really frightening dream during the night in which you might later wake up and not remember the dream itself, but you wake up feeling scared for some reason. You experienced the fear, and it carries over into your waking state - but you just can't remember why you're scared.


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