Hmmmm, well just last night I started recording my dreams by recording them on my MP3 player after I awoke from each. Actually, I let the second slip away as I was too tired to reach for the recorder. But, I don't know...Before I went to sleep, I just repeated over and over, "I will know I'm dreaming while I'm dreaming, and I will remember my dreams". Then I had my cell phone alarm set to wake me at 4:45am, but I automatically awoke after my 2:30am dream, 4:00am dream and 7:30am dream. (It was the 4am dream that got away.) Maybe the mantra helped? Try repeating to yourself that you will awake and remember your dreams. Your mind will do the rest. Hopefully!
Oh, and despite the fact that I repeated that I would know I'm dreaming while I'm dreaming...I didn't ever figure that out until I awoke!